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12 MAY 28, i92i.] NOTES AND QUERIES. Publishers' Binding Cases VOL. VII. (July to December, 1920) Notes and Queries are now available. In green cloth, gold blocked. These Cases may be ordered through Booksellers, or obtained direct from THE PUBLISHER, THE TIMES OFFICE, at the published price, 2s. each, post free, 2s. 3d. The Publisher has also made arrangements for Binding Subscribers' Parts into Volumes at an inclusive charge of 4s. 6d., covering Case, Binding, and return postage. Parts for Binding should be sent post-paid to THE PUBLISHES, and marked "BINDING ORDER." The necessary remittance should be forwarded at the same time, under separate cover. THE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, Limited, Printing House Square, E.C.4. MSS., etc., TYPED with intelligence, accuracy and speed, on good paper with strong cover, Is. per 1,000 ; Carbons 3d. per 1,000 words. A. BYTHEWAY, 47a. South Castle Street, Liverpool. "OONALD MASSEY, Literary Agent. No AJ reading fee charged. Good short stories required, 2.000-5.000 words. Novels and Serials from about 80,000 words. Where criticism is required a small fee is charged. Autoors' MSS. typed. RONALD MASSEY, 23, Knightrider Street, Doctors' Commons, London, E.C.4. THE HOMELAND BOOKSHOP, 37, MAIDEN LANE, GOVENT GARDEN, For all Books of British Topography, Old Maps and Odd Prints. Intelligent service in the search for rare volumes. LISTS FREE. T3ARGAINS in WRITING and TYPING -D PAPERS, ENVELOPES, CARDS, &c. Clearance Sale discount. Send postcard for samples. E. ERICSON and CO., 2, Tudor Street, E.C.4. FREE ON APPLICATION. Catalogue of AN- CIENT AND MODERN BOOKS. T. & M. KENNARD, Booksellers. 22, Regent Street. Leamingtcn Spa, Out-of -Print Books supplied. PROFESSIONAL GENEALOGISTS, WOULD-BE TRACERS OF PEDIGREES, ADVANCED SEARCHERS ! Write, GEORGE S;IERWOOD, 210. STRAND. LoxroN, W.C.2. BOOKS. ALL OUT - OF - PRINT BOOKS supplied, no matter on what subject. Please state wants. Topography. Archaeology. Genealogy. Biography. Court Memoirs, etc. List free. BAKER'S Great Bookshop. 14-16. John Bright Street. Birmingham. T HE AUTHOR'S HAIRLESS PAPER-PAD. The LEADENHALL PRESS. Ltd.. Publishers and Printers. 9-47 GARDEN ROW. ST. GEORGE'S ROAD. SOUTHWARD. S.E.I. Contains hairless paper, over which the pen slips with perfect freedom. Ninepence each. 8s. per dozen, ruled or plain ; postage extra. Is. 3d. Pocket size, 5s. per dozen, ruled or plain : postage Is. STICKPHAST is a clean white Paste and not a messy liquid. EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT A Weekly Record of Educational Progress at Home and Abroad. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. PRICE 2d. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 12 months 13s. 6 months 6s. 6d. 3 months. . 3s. 3d. Tost free from the Publisher, 'Printing House Square, London, E.C.4.