Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/167

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Looking-glass superstitions, vi. 7, 131, 215, 350

Loon, its definition, iv. 346, 425

Loon-slatt, use and meaning of the word, xi. 127, 174,


Loophole, its etymology, iv. 347 ; x. 109 Lope de Vega, his ' Castelvines y Monteses,' xi. 44,

150, 336, 455; quotations from, xii. 287, 336, 410 Lord-borough, use of the word in 1751, xi. 167 Lord Lieutenant, how addressed, ii. 67 Lord Mayor, the first, ii. 308, 437 ; marriage of

daughter of the, xi. 306

Lord Mayors, unmarried, vii. 428, 513 ; viii. 49, 153 ; portraits of early, viii. 485 ; ix. 173, 232, 412, 458 ; authorship of their "Pageants," ix. 68, 216 Lord Palatine, use of the title, xii. 347, 417, 496 Lord's Prayer, in rime, vii. 53 ; x. 190, 272 ; in the fifteenth century, x. 345 ; in the twelfth century, x. 445, 496; xi. 57 Lords Lieutenant of counties, duties of, viii. 404,


Lordship, use of the word in Scotland, vi. 268, 376 Lorenzo da Pavia at Venice, 1494, xii. 349, 398 Loriot=green woodpecker, vi. 149, 233, 338, 396, 451 ' Lost Pleiad,' authorship of, vi. 49, 274, 333 Lotahs and lotus flowers, vii. 346, 472 ; viii. 114 Lotteries, early, vii. 23

Lotus flowers and lotahs, vii. 346, 472 ; viii. 114 Loubet (President), pronunciation of his name, xii. 4 Loudering, its meaning, vi. 67 Loudoun (John), of Glasgow College, i. 328, 436;

ii. 116

Louijs, sonnet by, vi. 28

Louis XIV., excommunication of, xii. 468, 508 Louis XVI., account of his death, vii. 448 ; viii. 49 Louis Philippe and family at the " Star and Garter,"

Richmond, ix. 129, 195

Louise (Princess) of Bohemia, her issue, ii. 228 Lourengo Marquez, spelling of, vi. 485 Louthean (R.) on hereditary odour, iii. 318 Loutre (Abbe" le), his biography, vi. 310, 377 Louvre, French dance, iv. 49, 111, 250 Louvre pictures before 1800, ii. 408, 450 Lovat (Lord), epigram on, iii. 449; his trial, ix. 306 Love (H. D.), on portrait of General Medows, xi. 87 Loveday (J. E. T.) on George Sandys, ix. 305 Lovel and De Hautville families, x. 9, 53 Lovelace (Richard), the Cavalier poet, a glover, v.


Lovell (W.) on Mr. Gladstone's death, i. 466. Lever (Charles), iv. 245. Van der Neer's centenary, xi. 128

Lovibond surname, iii. 408 ; iv. 175 Low and High : Liberal and Conservative, vii. 128


Low and lum, use of the words, xii. 465 Low (C. R.) on Muscat pirates, iii. 491 Low (Thomas, Leonard, and Sampson), v. 289 Lowe (G ) on John Harris, publisher, xii. 106 Lowe (J ) on Llanelieu, St. Ellyw, Brecon, ii. 369 Lowell (James Russell) on ' Aurora Leigh,' iii. 244

iv. 95 Lowestoft, "Christ's half dole " at, i. 129, 349 ; firs

British lighthouse erected at, v. 186, 295, 425 Lowestoft china, iv. 498 ; v. 12, 73, 157 Lowley family of Rutland, ii. 449

liowndes (C.) on Lowndes motto, ix. 57 jowndes motto, " Ways and means," ix. 10, 57 owsley (B.) on Berkshire carol, iii. 394. Gates on commons, iv. 1 55. Kingston-upon-Thames, ii. 373. Swabbers and whist, iv. 387. "Three Pound Twelve," iv. 443 Liowth (Robert and William) on scepticism and

Popery, xii. 129

Lowther (Sir Thomas), his biography, xii. 467 Loyalists, United Empire, proposed English branch,

vi. 447

Loyola (Ignatius) and Thucydides, vi. 469 Lucas (Dr. Charles), buried at St. Michan's Church,

Dublin, xii. 226 Lucas (E. V.) on Lamb as a journalist, viii. 60.

Lamb on the ass, x. 307. Lamb's poem ' Angel

Help,' viii. 384. Lamb's ' Satan in Search of a

Wife,' x. 27

Lucas (F. G. L.) on Ashtead, Surrey, ix. 188 Lucas (G.) on Rye House Plot, ii. 175 Lucas (Jacob), of London, his bequest, xi. 329 Lucas (P. D.) on portraits wanted, ix. 475 Lucas (P. J.) on translations of Baudelaire, v. 375 Lucas R.) on "With affection beaming," ix. 87 Luchon, " Owen Meredith " at the Devil's Bridge, vi.


Lucid interval, origin of the phrase, xi. 87, 137 Lucis on Antwerp Cathedral, ix. 289. Arms of

continental cities, ix. 308. Chess playing : a legend,

ix. 248, 398. Eucharis, an actress, iii. 308 Luck, kissing for, iv. 148

Luck money, spitting upon, xi. 127, 196, 254, 358 Luck (E. J.) on merchants of Lukes, ix. 35 Lucretius, passage in, xii. 48, 92 ' Lucy's Flitting,' its author, iv. 96, 154 Ludgersall, place-name, its derivation, x. 209, 335, 376 Ludi Magister, meaning and use, ix. 86, 216 Ludlow clerks, allusion in Welsh poem, xi. 347, 432,


Luggage train, v. 332 ; vi. 418 Luk or Lukes, merchants of, viii. 481 ; ix. 35, 56 Lum and low, use of the words, xii. 465 Lumb (G. D.) on Christian names, treble, vi. 219.

Marriages of persons already married to each other,

iv. 73, 212. Massy (Johrr), iv. 17. Pre-Reforma-

tion practices, xi. 474 Lumbroso (Baron A.) on Ulisse Barbieri, ix. 236.

Bonaparte queries, viii. 247. French novel, ix. 233.

Napoleon's library, viii. 189 Portuguese naval

supremacy, ix. 219. Tramaglino (Renzo), viii. 510 Lunebourg table, mentioned by Hentzner, v. 515 ;

vi. 74 Lungete in warrant, dated 1332, its meaning, viii. 325,


Lunn (B. A.) on Dr. Stukeley, ii. 88 Lunn (E. A.) on Sir N. Stukeley, ii. 7 Lupo-mannaro, peculiar form of madness, ix. 329, 476;

x. 34, 215 ; xi. 17, 95 Lurden, origin of the word, ix. 185, 235 Lurid, its meaning, iv. 28, 93, 214 Lurks or lerks, use of the word, xii. 6 Lusatiae, its locality, xii. 92 Lush=drink, origin of the word, xii. 7, 76, 215 Lushington (Dr.) and Corbet, Bishop of Norwich, xii.

7, 76, 215

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