Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/179

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King, banker, xii. 131. King and Peyton duel, ix. 347. London Livery Companies, their registers, i. 285. Manor Court Rolls, x. 452. Marriage licences, ix. 368. Harriot (Rev. Mr.), i. 249. May (Anne), i. 176. Names of cities, towns, &c., in England, vi. 288. Painted and engraved portraits, vii. 341, 512. Pictures composed of handwriting, v. 255. Registers, British colonial, ii. 108. Roads in England, vi. 288. Roberts (John), particulars of, vii. 268. Riming warning to book-borrowers, iv. 484. St. Margaret's Churchyard, Westminster, ii. 127. Stoif (Lieut.-Col. de), xii. 447. Uvedale (Dr. Robert), v. 188. Viner (Alderman), his house, v. 127. Watchmen of the olden time, i. 115. Welsh gipsy story, iv. 353. Wilkes (John), M.P. for Aylesbury, v. 315

Mason (Rev. Charles), his biography, vi. 287

Mason (Robert), of Hull, and Darwin, i. 47

Masonic engraving, old, vi. 230, 291

Masonic signs, i. 53, 157

Masons' names on gravestones, vi. 68

Mass and merry England, sixteenth-century saying, ix. 508 ; x. 55, 114

Massage, its antiquity, i. 384 ; ii. 14, 75

Massagetse and the Celts, ix. 228

Massdna (Marshal), his pedigree, iii. 188, 356, 396 ; iv. 354 ; and Suwarroff, vii. 108, 192, 213, 231

Massey (Henry), vicar of Kendal 1645-50, viii. 483

Massey (Hugh), his biography, i. 269, 432

Masson (A.) on Euston Road, ix. 427

Massy (John), 1662-1724, iii. 443 ; iv. 17, 172

Master family pedigree, ii. 129, 178

Master of the King's Musick, the first, viii. 342, 387

' Master Thief,' a Welsh gipsy story, iv. 161, 353

Masters (C.) on riming warning to book-borrowers, iv. 316

Masters (Maxwell T.) on cedar trees, ii. 333. . Easter magiant, vii. 34. Kingston Coronation stone, v. 481. Mistletoe in Scotland, ii. 374:

Masterton family, co. Wexford, i. 68, 374

Masterton (Capt. Nicholas), c. 1714, his biography, xi. 88

"Mats'," Paraguay tea, viii. 419

Materialism, Hartley and others on, ii. 468, 537

Maternity, records in, ix. 128, 213, 455 ; x. 11, 97, 336 ; xi. 66, 152, 238 ; xii. 158, 246

Matfelon. See St. Mary Matfelon.

Mather family of Manchester, ii. 88

Mathew (A. H.) on big book printed in Germany, xi. 269. Matthew (Sir Tobie), xi. 247

Mathew (General Edward), his biography, x. 87; xi. 354

Mathews (C. J.), his theatrical appearances between 1837 and 1845, x. 168, 511

Mathews (John), his biography, iii. 368

Mathews family of Truro, ix. 229, 336

Mathewson (T.) on hymn by Dean Vaughan, xi. 473 Shetland song, x. 278. Tragedy by Wordsworth, viii. 284

Mathias (Thomas J.), 'The Pursuits of Literature,

vi. 168

Matine, early theatrical, iv. 67, 118 Matriculation, age of, vi. 508. Instance* of early

vii. 117 Matthew (Sir Tobie), MS. of, xi. 247

Matthews (Albert) on I printed with small letter, xii. 73. Meresteads or mesesteads, ix. 437. Nash (Richard), xii. 135. Paleface, xii. 491. Tandem, x. 455 ; xi. 256

Matthews (G. A.) on allusions in ' Sartor Resartus, xi. 273

Matthews (John Hobson) on alias in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, xii. 277- Anchoress in the land of Leodium, ix. 516. Angels and their representation, ii. 474. Anglo-Hebrew slang: kybosh, viii. 150. Animals in people's insides, viii. 90. Architect's name wanted, ix. 133. Armigerous families, xi. 77- Arms of continental cities, ix. 414. Arms of married women, ix. 195; x. 256; xi. 197, 477. Arms wanted, xi. 195. Atkyns (Madam Charlotte), xii. 53. Atte, its meaning, vii. 474. Bailey, its meaning, iv. 32. Baker family, x. 232. Balbrennie, place-name, i. 211. Basilicas, xii. 315. Bible, missing, i. 27. Bishop's Head and Foot, vii. 471. Black Fast, x. 352 ; xi. 38. Blessing of the throats, vii. 317. Boadicea (Queen), i. 94. Bonaparte ballad, vii. 295. " Bonny boy is young," i. 469. Borough, oldest in England, ix. 237. Branwell family, i. 208. Brasenose College, Oxford, vii. . 298. British lan- guage, ancient, i. 172. Burnt sacrifice: mound burial, viii. 152. Butter charm, 5. 36. Candace (Queen), x. 93. Castles, heraldic, i. 414. Cecil family, iii. 213. Cerney Manor, Cirencester, ix. 517. Charles I., iii. 478; iv. 93. Charm, old, ix. 158. Chest, old wooden, x. 52. Church briefs, xi. 238. Coincidences, xii. 190. Cole (Sir Cor- nelius), vii. 269. Confessionals, ix. 153. Cope, x. 375 ; xi. 93. Cornish motto, i. 231 ; x. 252. Cossen or Cosen, ix. 111. Cradock= Winter, viii. 324. Cradock (Capt.), viii. 345. Dalton family, i. 197. De Kellygrew arms, i. 436. Dead fold, its meaning, iv. 92. " Demon's aversion," iii. 298. Downie's slaughter, ix. 474. Dublin parish registers, xi. 418. Duke, ix. 455. Edward VII., rime on, viii. 532. Epitaph, faded, i. 250 ; on an attorney, x. 37. Epitaphs, iii. 415. Esquire, the title, vii. 312. Family likeness, viii. 62. Field- names, iii. 37. Fillingham family, viii. 69 , Flowering Sunday, x. 57. Floyd v. Lloyd, viii 829. Frail, ix. 198. Franciscan arms, iii. 172. Freaks of nature, ix. 115. French Peerage, i. 171. Gilnew, x. 373. Glyndyfrdwy, iii. 238. Godwin, Bishop of Llandaff, xi. 356. "Got up in his sitting," i. 224. Greek pronunciation, viii. 74. Grivegne'e (Baron) and Power, vii. 476. Gwyneth, ix. 479. Heraldic query, ii. 476 ; iii. 98. Heraldry before the Conquest, ix. 291. Heriot, x. 333. Herrick : silver-pence, ix. 178. Hobbins family, x. 98. Holy Communion, iii. 498. Huguenot cruelties, i. 197. Immurement alive of religious, xii. 131, 376. Inns, noblemen's, ii- 516. Inquests, ix. 475. Inverness coat of arms, x. 411. Isle of Roseneath, ix. 215. Italian sundial inscription, ix. 313. Jack-in-the-box, x. 255. Jesus, miraculous likenesses of, x. 73. " Keep your hair on," x. 33. Knighthood, x. 113. Ladle, silver, iii. 137. Lair and lairage, i. 133. Lambeth, xii. 153. Lewis family, xii. 313. Lloyd family, xii. 252. Lin- guistic curiosities, xi. 238. Linney, x. 319.
