Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/275

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Raglan, viii. 204, 287. Scott's 'Antiquary,' iii. 198

Tudball (S. B.) on Mrs. Mary Anne Clarke, vii. 109

Tudor ( J.) on author of book wanted, ix. 309. ' Sweep- ings from my Study, ' ix. 468. Travels in India, ix. 307

Tudor (Lady Mary), natural daughter of Charles II., ix. 72, 194, 276

Tudor (Owen), his biography, vi. 409

Tudor Exhibition at Manchester, i. 242

Tuer (Andrew W.) on Browne- Mill family documents, iii; 347. Degeneration of Cockney, iv. 164. " In- fant's Library," iv. 250. Riddle: "Behold yon powder'd beau," iv. 227. Shagreen, iv. 310, 426. Silhouettes of children, ii. 307, 326 ; iii. 30. Stag, captive, iii. 49, 115. Stone ale, iv. 37

Tuer (Andrew W.), his death, v. 180

Tumuli, rats' bones found in, x. 322

Tunbridge Wells, Patty Moon's Walk at, v. 186

Tunes, psalm : ' St. Anne,' ' Hanover,' ' St. Matthew,' vi. 9

"' (install family, vi. 448, 514

Tup, Christmas, its meaning, ii. 348, 511

Tupper (John Lucas), " Outis," i. 246

Turf, mazes cut in, v. 315, 445, 504

Turle (H. F.), Editor of 'N. & Q.,' 1878-83, iv. 369

Turn, use of the term on the stage, viii. 121, 233

Turnbull (A.) on origin of the Turnbulls, xi. 109

Turnbulls, their origin, xi. 109, 233, 329, 498 ; xii. 51, 353, 416, 475

Turner (A. G.) on Grigson family, iii. 258

Turner (G. W.) on Tickhill : "God help 'em," ii. 292

Turner (J. H.) on the Poet Laureate's birthplace, vii. 426

Turner (J. M. W.), his drawing of Wanstead House, vii. 48, 156

Turner (Sharon), his ' History of the Anglo-Saxons,' viii. 117

Turner (T.) on Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat, ix. 306. Higgins (Sir Thomas) x. 247. " Old Clustrum," iv. 77. Portraits of early Lord Mayors, ix. 232. Shakespeare's letters, vii. 109

Turner (Thomas), of Ileden, Kent, i. 389 ; ii. 13

Tumour (Sir Edward). Speaker 1661-71, his family and portrait, iv. 249, 333, 465

Turnour (Hon. George), d. 1813, his biography, xi. 372

Turnover, literary meaning of the word, xii. 364, 471

Turnures, species of ancient confectionery, x. 149

Turthel cow, its meaning, i. 387; iii. 295

Turtliff family, v. 416

Turvin coiners, their history, viii. 258, 298, 350, 467

Tuvill (Daniel), his works, vii. 309

Tweed and Till, rimed dialogue, iii. 324

Twentieth century, date of its commencement, v. 41

Twentieth-century medal, vii. 265

Twerton, vicars of, 1690-1825, xii. 208

Twibil, old weapon, i. 243 ; v. 466

Twigg family, iv. 328, 445

Twilly toes, iii. 406 ; iv. 31

Twist (Robert), Westminster scholar, iii. 368

" Twm Shon Catti," Welsh genealogist, i. 52

' Two Duchesses,' illustrations in, vii. 423, 471

Two-mile Bridge, co. Limerick, iii. 337 Twopenny Tube," the phrase, vii. 29, 116, 218, 375

Twyford yew tree, vi. 29, 154, 218, 278, 377 Twyning, charity founded by Lord of Manor of, xi. 346 Tyack (G. S.) on Bishop of London's funeral, vii. 355 Tyburn, executions at, ii. 164, 301; vii. 121, 210,

242, 282, 310 ; xi. 48, 135, 196 ; manor of, vii. 381,

402, 489 ; viii. 53, 210, 265 Tyler (Admiral Sir Charles), iv. 7 Tyler (Capt. Peter), d. 1755, xii. 486 Tylney on Melisande, x. 467

Tylor (Dr. E. B.) on Serjeant Bettesworth, vii. 127 Type, early Greek, i. 287 Type, printing, iv. 146 Typewriter, advent of the, xii. 69, 138 Typographical blunders, i. 85; ii. 445, 538. See also

Miitakf-s. Typulator, the word in 1558-9, x. 428, 516 ; xi. 72,


Tyrawley = Wewitzer, i. 168, 252, 373 Tyre or tire, its meanings, v. 516 ; vi. 76, 194; xii. 64 Tyrer (C. E.) on majolican bacini on old churches at

Pisa and elsewhere, viii. 503 Tyro on Nell Gwyn, vii. 376 Tyrone on dragon tree, ix. 369. Irish historical

genealogy, xi. 208. Schiller, philosopher, vii. 449 Tyrone (Comte de) on rebel flag of Ireland, xii. 228 Tyrone (Hugh O'Neil, Earl of), his portrait, iii. 89,

171, 332

Tyrone (T.) on Northumberland House MS., iii. 229 Tytler (Sarah), her ' Songstresses of Scotland,' ix. 465


U and V and the pronunciation of words, xii. 29, 70

U. (A. V.) on Sir Humphrey Jervis, i. 31

U. (H. W.) on John Botoner, v. 269. City curio collector, vii. 348. Lincoln House, Holborn, vi. 408. Moated mounds, vi. 336. Monastic chronicle, vi. 147. Pagination, vi. 147. St. Hugh's Day, vi. 469. Tithe barns, mediaeval, vi. 496

U. (N. R.) on chess playing, ix. 293

U.E. on United Empire Loyalists, iv. 456

U.E. L. See Fnited Empire 1 oyalists.

11 Ugly mug," its origin, iv. 268, 402

Udal (J. S.) on alewives, a kind of fish, vii. 406. Animals in people's insides, viii. 346. Arms of Eton and Winchester, ix. 241. Arms of married women, x. 194 ; xi. 114 ; xii/390. Barnes (William), xi. 497. Blandford farthing, i. 514. Bugalug, Dorset word, i. 192. Charles II. in West Dorset, x. 141, 475. Cockade of George I., xi. 93. Cockade of the house of Saxony, vii. 457. ' Englishwoman's Love-Letters,' xi. 504. Eyre family, ii. 153. French phrase, xii. 352. Green an unlucky colour, ix. 490. Groat : bits, x. 454. Heraldic : American heraldry, vii. 429. Heraldic query, ii. 317. Heraldic shields, xi. 513. Historical rime: rhyme, xii. 491. Illegitimacy, xii. 94. Kit-Cat portraits, xi. 91. Lynch laws in modern use, ii. 56. Met : points of the compass, x. 5. Mug-houses, xi. 67. Order of St. Michael and St George, viii. 378. Royal standard, viii. 313 ; x. 32. Scotland, arms of, ix. 17. Sneezing folk-lore, ii. 55. Strawberry leaves, x. 51. United States, their arms, i. 469

Ullig= Christmas in Manx, viii. 504; ix. 56

Ulrickstadt, its localization, vii. 49

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