Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/82

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Oope (J.) on Rebecca Cromwell, ix. 129; Gower, ix. 68 Cope (J. H.) on aeolian harp, xi. 33. Bullock of

Arborfield, vi. 450. Carteret (Sir Charles), v.

385. Cope (General Sir John), v. 289 ; vi. 329,

496. Cope of Hanwell, co. Oxon., v. 316.

Gossage of Spratton, Northamptonshire, vii. 70.

18th Hussars, 1821, xi. 56. Irish wills, vii. 9.

Julius Caesar, vii. 37. London churches, vii.

169. Mohun of Wollaston, vii. 128. Parish

registers, their care and protection, ix. 409.

Pre- Reformation practices in English churches, xi.

55. Koad waggons from Liverpool, xi. 88. Sher-

brooke family, vi. 129. Yeomanry records, vii. 34 Cope (General Sir John), his biography, v. 289 ; vi.

31, 133, 829, 395, 496 ; date of his birth, viii. 101 Cope (W. H.) on book inscription, vi. 103 Cope family of Bruerne, iv. 309

Cope family of Hanwell, co. Oxon, their arms, v. 316 Cope, its history, i. 14, 212, 351 ; ii. 34, 98 ; x. 285,

374, 495 ; xi. 93, 172, 335 Copenhagen, battle of, viii. 182 Copinger (W. A.) on arms of knights, ix. 398. Dun-

wich or Dunmow, x. 210 Copland (Patrick), his biography, iii. 285 Copper = policeman, origin of the term, xi. 348 Copper coin, date of first issue, vi. 430 ; copper token,

its use and value, xi. 188, 298 Copperplate, original, engraved in line by Bartolozzi,

vi. 447

Copperplate cuts, use of the term, viii. 444 Copper-tailed, its meaning, iii. 8, 195 Coptic, uses of the word, ix. 466 Corbels, early square, i. 78 Corbould (H.), picture by, vi. 393 Corbyn family, ix. 88 Corderius: Mathurin Cordier, 1478-1564, his

Colloquies,' x. 348

Cordova (Rudolph de) on inn signs, xi. 89 Cordwainer, its meaning, ii. 5, 97, 230 ; survival of

the term, iv. 436 ; v. 14 Corinthian, use of the word, xi. 267, 375 Cork leg, use of the expression, viii. 204, 307, 413, 532 Corlett family of Douglas, Isle of Man, viii. 184, 255 Corn, quarter of, v. 456 ; vi. 32, 253, 310, 410 Corn mill, earliest water, ii. 268, 412 "Corn-bote," in ' Morte Arthure,' viii. 44; in

Barbour's ' Bruce,' x. 61, 115, 253 Cornburgh (Alured or Averay), his biography, ii. 423,


Corn-crake = landrail, iii. 385, 474 ; iv. 57 " Corner ' in coals, eighteenth-century, i. 306 Corney House, Chiswick, its history, v. 69, 187 Cornforth (Fanny), v. 129 ' Cornhill Magazine,' illustrations in, ix. 29, 76 Cornish (D. H.) on Lord Randal and the ballad, iii.


Cornish (V.) on sledges, x. 188 Cornish measures, xii. 384

Cornish motto : " One and all," x. 168, 252, 290 Cornish place-names, meaning and derivation, vii. 488;

viii. 93

Cornish rimes in an epitaph, xi. 146, 216 ; xii. 51 Cornish wreckers, xi. 126, 196, 233, 274, 393 Cornishman on Cornish armoury, iv. 207 Corn Law Rimer : Ebenezer Elliott, ix. 246

Corns (A. R.) on Civil War: storming of Lincoln

viii. 93

Corn-stover = maize fodder, iv. 288 Cornu (0. P. L.) on Mourning Sunday, ix. 498 Cornub. on Robert Burton, ii. 131. Victory of Cain-

perdown, i, 504

Cornubian on Hambley arms, ix. 189 Cornwall, its Princes, i. 17 ; Channel Island names associated with, x. 185 ; pre-Conquest Earls of, x. 410 ; xi. 52

Cornwall or England ? i. 131 ; ii. 35 Corwall, Duchy of, offices of, iv. 378, 395, 481, 543 Cornwall fee or ancient demesne, x. 443 ; xi. 153, 210,

371, 449; xii. 72

Cornwallis (Sir William), his biography, iii. 387 Cornwallis (William), Westminster scholar, iii. 149 Coronation on Frances B. Irving, ix. 107 Coronation advertisement of 1685, x. 166 'Coronation Anecdotes,' by "Giles Gossip, Esq.,"

viii. 65, 170 Coronation canopy and the Barons of the Cinque

Ports, x. 189, 297, 392

Coronation dress of the bishops, ix. 506 ; x. 34, 112 Coronation item, eighteenth-century printers of a,

ix. 348, 473

Coronation medallion, its history, ix. 289 'Coronation Order,' and the third person singular of

verbs, ix. 506

Coronation peerages, creation of, ix. 221 Coronation plate a perquisite, i. 447; ii. 49 Coronation sermons, ix. 501 ; x. 198, 276, 330 Coronation song, ix. 507 Coronation Stone of Westminster Abbey, vii. 309, 393 ;

viii. 63, 154 Coronations :

Arthur, in ' Morte Arthure,' x. 381, 402 Curtana, or sword of mercy, at, vii. 187, 213 Edward VII., viii. 485 ; ix. 57 ; x. 85, 101 ; Durbar at Delhi, xi. 21 ; title v. assumed title, xi. 69, 137

George I., celebration at Leghorn, x. 404 George II., ballads on, x. 121 George IV., weight of his robes, ix. 145 ; rejoic- ings at Launceston, x. 3 Henry VII., x. 485 King's Champion at, xii. 135, 254 Napoleon Bonaparte, x. 153 St. George's Day, iii. 307, 390 Victoria, Peter Parley on, vii. 346, 437 ; ' Sun printed in gold, ix. 280 ; newspapers at time of, 505 ; oldest persons present, x. 208 Coroners' inquests, records of, ix. 408, 475, 519 Coronets, strawberry leaves in, viii. 463, 513 ; ix. 153 ;

x. 51

Coronial, Australian word, ii. 469 Corporation, oldest trading, v. 345 ; vi. 13, 113 Corporation chains and maces, viii. 344, 446 Corpse, on shipboard, vi. 246, 313, 374, 437, 492 ; vii. 75, 137 ; superstitions in Colombia, vii. 86 ; cure by the hand of a, viii. 483 ; ix. 34 Corpus Christi, " admitted of," i. 327, 453 Corpus Christi Day, and calculations of law sittings, iii. 407; iv. 17; its date, vii. 27, 96, 153, 237, 293 Corpus Christi Guild, Coventry, its accounts, viii. 82