Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - General Index.djvu/99

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name, v. 316. ' Claverhouse's Lament,' v. 229 'Comin' thro' the Rye,' ii. 270. Duchy of Ber wick, viii. 534. Graham (Arthur), xi. 310. Graham (Sir Charles), Bart., viii. 143. Green and St. Claii family, ii. 465. Locard and the heart of Roben Bruce, vi. 392. Lochwinnoch, co. Renfrew, ii. 158 Marriages, triple, ii. 246. Mistletoe in Scotland ii. 329. Morning, ii. 105. Picts and Scots, vi. 90 Polder, its meaning, v. 55. Prince of Wales as Duke of Cornwall, v. 215, 363. Stewarts of Annas and Ballachallan, vi. 289. Wigmore family, iv. 540 Eastward Ho on Celtic, ix. 246 Eastwood (A. E.) on Eastwood family, v. 69 Eastwood family, v. 69 Eating, lines on, vi. 231 Eaton (A. W. H.) on Otho Hamilton, ii. 346 Eaton (C. 0.) on Suwarroff and Masse'na, vii. 231 Eaton (Theophilus), his second wife, i. 267, 394 Ebbs (A.) on Rev. Thomas Cockman, D.D., vi. 349 Ebor on Henrietta, Lady Wentworth, i. 347 Ebsworth (J. W.) on ' A Trap for a Scold,' iv. 420. " Ask nothing more of me, sweet," viii. 334, 507. 'Blackwood's Magazine,' iii. 117. "Gentle shep- herd, tell me where," viii. 530. Idyl, ancient, viii. 286. "In the days when we went gipsying," viii. 211. Jones (Paul), ii. 353. Kipling stories, viii. 168. "La-di-da," viii. 270. 'Lost Pleiad,' viii. 309. Prague, beautiful city of, xi. 471. Quotation, source of, viii. 189. Scott quotation, viii. 331. Songs, old, viii. 351. Stinger, viii. 251. Todd (Sweeny), viii. 168 Eccles, in place-names, i. 446 Ecclesiastical furniture at Lyme Regis, vi. 387 Ecclesiastical peculiars, vii. 421, 463 ; viii. 71 Ecclesiastical state at Christmas, xii. 502 Eccleston (James), B.A., of Sutton Coldfield Grammar

School, ix. 428

' Echo,' its thirtieth birthday, ii. 504 Eckersley (E.) on Strohling, a singer, ix. 347 ' Eclectic Review,' its contributors, iii. 27, 118 Eclecticism, bold, ii. 382 Eclipse Islands, their name, ii. 344 Economy and avarice, adage on, xii. 486 Ecstacy, misspelling, vi. 65 Ed. on United Empire Loyalists, xi. 48 Eddoes: Cocco, botanical terms, their spelling, vi. 187 Eden (R. A.) on Eden family, xii. 207 ' Eden Rose,' a sketch by Susan Phillips, xi. 509 Edgar (King), his blazon, xii. 247 Edgcome (J. T.), his ' How to be happy tho* poor '

viii. 405, 469

Edgcome ( J. T. ), on " What has posterity done for us ? " x. 415. " Your friends will bury you," viii. 469

Edgcumbe (R.) on Bissona, its meaning, vi. 338. Byroniana, xi. 492; xii. 52, 91. "Byron's tomb," viii. 241. Casanoviana, viii. 357, 400, 440, 498. Copper, a policeman, xi. 348. Hook it, xi. 348. Horse marine, ii. 456. Iron Duke and the Duke of Wellington, x. 11, 172. 'John Bull,' a news- paper, v. 495. "Le mot de Cambronne," iv. 355. Lefevre's portrait of Bonaparte, i. 176. Lobster, a nickname for soldier, vi. 516. Motto on a house, vi. 366. Nelson's signal at Trafalgar, vi. 45. Parrot in 'Hudibras,' vi. 373. Passion Play at

Ober-Ammergau, vi. 241. Perspective, historic, ii. 9. ' Pilgrim's Progress,' first edition, vii. 264. ' Pseudodoxia Epidemica,' viii. 81. Relic of Napo- leon, iv. 136. Richard II. and Froissart, xii. 468. Rimini, Francesca da, ix. 368. Shelley's ancestry, ix. 510 ; x. 229. Trance, a case of, vi. 504. Twentieth century, iii. 225. Wild-cat company, ix. 405

Edge (Capt.), discoveries in Greenland, v. 209, 343, 398

Edge Hill, snow on battle-field of, iv. 146, 197

Edgett surname, its derivation, iii. 407 ; iv. 177 ; v. 13, 193 ; vi. 49, 153

Edge worth (Maria), register in her ' Parents' Assis- tant,' iii. 47 ; and ' ' Le pauvre Diable," viii. 285

Edinburgh, pamphlet advocating a royal infirmary, xii. 69

Edinburgh Academy, first Rector, xi. 224

Edinburgh Rood Well, its site, vii. 207, 475

Edinburgh University, inscription in the metaphysics class-room, vii. 485

Edition, its meaning, ii. 265, 298, 378 ; number of copies, c. 1600, xi. 509 ; xii. 172

Editions, early "stop-press," v. 8, 130

Editor on D'Auvergne family, vii. 117. Insurrection, its meaning, vii. 111. Newspaper and magazine statistics, vii. 223. Royal borough, viii. 65.

Editor (An) on Grattan's portrait, x. 149

Editors, evolution of, v. 166, 323, 425

Editorial :-

" A headless man had a letter to write," x. 20 "Adieu, canaux, canards, canaille," vi. 380 Alright, xi. 200 "And the night shall be fill'd with music," vii.


Archibald Bell the Cat, vi. 300 Arms of the Isle of Man, xi. 220 Beak = a magistrate, v. 80 Berwick Law, viii. 216 Blackfriars, the order, bridge, and theatre, vii.


Blight, significations and uses of the word, v. 408 Bogus degrees, ix. 40 Booty's ghost, vi. 280 "Brewers' entire," v. 100, 175 Brook's Market, v. 368 Bull-rings, viii. 236 " Call us not weeds," x. 360 Chapel, printers' term, vi. 400 Chess poem, v. 408 Cicero on augurs, vii. 260 Classical confession, v. 40 Coincidences, viii. 296 Colaharbour, viii. 316 "Conjugis haud immemor desideratissimi," ix.


Cradle commissions, xi. 280 " Credat Judaeus Apella," vii. 240 Curse of Scotland, xi. 220 Dante Society, v. 120 'Devil's Drive,' ix. 140 Disraeli, vii. 120

" Droppings of warm tears," ix. 320 " Duns " man, vii. 220