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g^s.x.DEc.13,1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Bacon copies down several lines of it into his 'Promus' entries Nos. 1080-1082, which are beautifully paraphrased in the ' Fragment of an Essay of Fame ' and elsewhere.

In the 'Masque of Queens' Jonson repre- sents Fame appearing with a trumpet in one hand and an olive branch in the other ; " and for her state, it was, as Virgil describes her, at the full, her feet on the ground, and her head in the clouds." And he has these fine lines further on :

Her [Fame's] house is all of echo made,

Where never dies the sound ; And as her brow the clouds invade,

Her feet do strike the ground.


53, Hampden Road, Hornsey, N. (To be continued.)

SHAKESPEARIAN ALLUSIONS. The following allusions have not, I think, been permanently recorded, and some of them may be new to many :

" Prevailing no more then wanton Venus, with

Adonis in the Fable." ' The Arraignement of The Whole Creature, At the Barre of Religion, &c.,' 1631, p. 44.

" \ea as carnall men, like that politique Prince in the Poet, are most sad in heart, when they seeme most glad in face." Ibid., p. 84. What do'st thou mean to stand behind the noon And pluck bright honour from the palefac'd moon ?

ELKWV -n LTiVm?, or. The faithfull Pourtraicture of a Loyall Subject, 1649. A 4 verso.

"Who can think that the famous S r Phillip Sydney, or the incomparable Lord Bacon, have been out done in their several kinds, or Shakespear, Beaumont, and Fletcher, or Ben Johnson in theirs, by any of our present writers." 'Essayes or Moral Discourses On Several Subjects,' 1671, p. 109. (? By Sir Thomas Culpeper.)

"His ignorance arising from his blindness is the only cause of this Comedie of Errors." ' Poor Robin's Visions,' 1677, p. 61.

"That Italian Shakesphear [sic], Ovid." ' Janua Divorum,' R. Whitcombe, 1678. A 7.

" A huge mountainous Shepherd, grave and

elderly, sate in his Indian-Gown, with a blew

Satin-Cap, Laced and Bordered with Rich Point, comforting himself up with Hall's Meditations, Shakespear, and Foxes Book of Martyrs." ' The Present State of Betty-Land,' 1684, p. 170.


MACAULAY'S FLASHES OP SILENCE. In the interesting centenary article which gives distinction to the October number of -the Edinburgh Review, Lord Cock burn's version of Sydney Smith's famous quip on Macaulay is quoted. Smith, says Cockburn, used to complain of Macaulay's talkativeness, expressing his regret at being unable to get in a word. " Now, Macaulay," he once said to his loquacious friend, "when I am gone

you'll be sorry that you never heard me speak." He once got his chance when he found Macaulay ill in bed, for then he was uncommonly agreeable, and "there were some glorious flashes of silence " (Cockburn's 'Journal,' i. 233). As this epigrammatic summary is too good to have been invented, and is not likely to- have been prompted on two different occasions, Cockburn's account of its origin should be compared with that which is given as follows in Lady Holland's ' Memoir of Sydney Smith,' chap. xi. :

" Some one speaking of Macaulay : ' Yes, I take great credit to myself; I always prophesied his greatness from the first moment I saw him, then a very young and unknown man, on the Northern Circuit. There are no limits to his knowledge, on, small subjects as well as great ; he is like a book in

breeches Yes, I agree, he is certainly more

agreeable since his return from India. His enemies might perhaps have said before (though I never did) that he talked rather too much ; but now he has occasional flashes of silence that make his conversa- tion perfectly delightful.'"


" CIGAR" IN MODERN LATIN. Dr. Johnson is recorded by Boswell, near the beginning of his work, to have said of his Lichfield head master, Mr. Hunter:

" He would ask a boy a question, and if he did not answer it, he would beat nim, without considering whether he had an opportunity of knowing how to answer it. For instance, he would call up a boy and ask him Latin for a candlestick, which the boy could not expect to be asked." Nowadays, it would seem, the German school- boy may reasonably expect to be asked what is Latin for a cigar. He has an opportunity, at least, of knowing how to answer this question if he studies Dr. Georg Capellanus's amusing little book 'Sprechen sie Lateinisch ?' In the conversation at the railway station on p. 70 (third edition, 1900) "Gieb dem Schaffner ein paar Cigarren ! " is rendered by " Da vecturario aliquot stilos tabaci ! " and the author adds that "Americanische Neu- lateiner" call cigars "convolvuli."


The University, Adelaide, South Australia.

[Dr. Capellanus's book should be added to the controversy on Latin as a medium of conversation, ante, p. 452.]

CHRISTIAN HEINRICH SIEGEL. "Siegel, Christian Heinrich, Bildhauer, wurde 1808 zu Hamburg geboren, und der Akademie in Copenhagen zum Kiinstler herangebildet, wo er bereits verschiedene Werke ausgefiihrt hatte, als er 1837 nach Miinchen sich begab. Er verweilte da ein Jahr in Betrachtung der Kunstschatze der k. Sammlungen und modelirte auch einige Bilder, endlich aber begab er sich nach italien und dann nach Griechenland. Da meisselte er 1841 bei der Vorstadt Pronoa von Nauplia einen colossalen