Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/541

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1904.



Gilbert (G.) on legitimacy of Monmouth, 69

Gilbert (Sir Humphrey), navigator, his Parliamentary

career, 425 Gill(T.) on eulachon, 444

O-words in 'N.E.D.,' 165, 330 Gills, Candlemas, origin of the custom, 430 Gillygate of York, its etymology, 50, 173, 232 Gilpin (Christopher and John), 26 Gilpin (John), his route, 170, 217, 255, 371, 437 Ging-stick, in churchwarden's accounts, 1704, 89 Gin-palaces, 249, 378 Gipsy queen, burial-place of Margaret Finch, 407

477, 496 ; caravan destroyed at her death, 428 Gladstone anecdote, 170 Glass breaking at Jewish weddings, 46, 115, 214, 337,


Glass-making in 1587, 428, 515 Glastonbury walnut-tree legends, 208, 315, 492 Gloucester on parish registers, 317 Radulphus de Georges, 208 St. Kitts, 229 Goat in folk-lore, 176 God, etymology of the word, 465 God, Consul of, application of the sobriquet, 506 Godet (Philippe) on Mme. de Charriere's ' Le Noble/

485 Godkin (Edwin Lawrence), 1831-1902, his biography,

329, 438

Goethe, German prophecy referred to by, 330 Golden rule, origin of the expression, 268 Goldsmith (Oliver), his Vicar of Wakefield,' 514 Gomm (F. C. C.) on House of Lords and Queen

Caroline, 349 Good Friday in 1602, 117 Gore family, 149 Gorges (Sir Ferdinando), 15G6-1647, Lord Palatine

of Maine, 21, 41, 154, 251

Gorges or Georges (Radulphus), c. Edward II., 208 Goritiae, its locality, 92 Gory surname, 287

Gosselin-Grimshawe (H. R. H.) on railway literature, 28 Gott (Henry and Richard), Westminster scholars,

1775, 228, 354

Gould (I. C.) on modern vandalism, 466 Overstrand Church, 354 Shakespeare and Lord Burleigb, 396 Gould (John), two Westminster scholars of the name,


Gowland (Ralph), Westminster scholar, 1770, 430 Graham (A. W.) on Mrs. Anne Bradford, 410

Graham = Appelbey, 8 Graham ( John) = Ruth Appelbey, 8 Grainberg (Comte de), gallery at Heidelberg formed

by, 327, 454

Grammar, nine parts of speech, 504 Grammar school, use of the term, 409 Grave, English, at Ostend, 9, 176, 235, 278, 495 Gravesend, nameless epitaph at, 409, 518 Gravestone, nameless, at Mundesley, Norfolk, 504 Gray (C. H.) on Lodowick Carlell, 149 Greece, brigandage in, 305, 375 ' Greek Anthology ' and Robert Burns, 82 Green (C.) on oak, ash, and ivy, 433 Greene (Robert), his 'The Honorable Historie of

Frier Bacon and Frier Bongay,' 361 Greenwich, "Ship" Hotel at, 306, 375, 415, 431

Grenadier Guards, origin of the appellation, 484 Grey Coat Place, origin of the name, 66 Greyhound and the king, 468, 508 Grigor (J.) on ' Canadian Boat Song,' 364 De Quincey's syntax, 445 Maxim, 377 Sleep and death, 512 Grimwood (Eliza), her murder referred to by Dickens

in ' Bill- Sticking,' 328, 377 Grotto at Margate, description of the, 14, 75, 192 Ground ivy, use of the term, 366 Grubb (G. H.) on Grubb surname, 189 Grubb surname, 189, 371, 454 Guiana, saccawinkee monkeys of, 205 Guilds, article on Wymondham, 410, 475 Guiney (L. I.) on "A gallant captain," 506 Gunning (Miss), Duchess of Hamilton, portraits of,

32, 297

Gunpowder Plot and the " Catherine Wheel " Inn, Oxford, 188, 293

unville (Hugh de), his biography, 249 jGurney (J. H.) on cater: lethes, 188 Gwynn (Edward), volumes bearing the name, 174 H. on Bull Plain, Hertford, 269

Elizabeth (Queen), her Pocket Pistol, 368 j and

New Hall, Essex, 477 Imaginary or invented saints, 515 More Church, Shropshire, 146, 354 Shropshire and Herefordshire woodwork, 148 Stanhope (Lady Hester), 19 Zauber-Kessel in Essex, 206 EL (A.) on ' An Englishwoman's Love-Letters,' 110 Editions c. 1600, 172 Epitaph attributed to Milton, 153 Journal of a London citizen, 317 Tambourello, 434 H. (A. A.) on portraits wanted, 429 3". (A. C.) on Souvenir Normand, 249 I (A. M.) on golden rule, 268 I. (L.) on ' An Englishwoman's Love-Letters,' 110 Evil spirits and inkbottles, 297, 416 Memory, 311 'Passing By,' 12, 176 H. (M.) on Thackeray and ' Damascus and Palmyra,'


I n on Count de Bruhl, 373 T. (0. O.) on English accentuation, 158 I. (W.) on ' Cogers' Chronicle and General Adver- tiser,' 68

H. (W. B.) on oak, ash, and ivy, 328 Coincidences, 396 Dunstable Court Leet, 85 Grotto at Margate, 14 Hemington Church, 228 Keys to Thackeray's novels, 13 King's Champion, 254 Mannings and Tawell, 233 ' My Old Oak Table,' 448 Pour oil on troubled waters, 389 Waterloo survivor, 85 H. (W. M.) on De Mesmes and Memes families,

228 H. (W. T.) on cardinals, 278

Veto at Papal elections, 174

Hackforth (J. P.) on Bunyan's 'Solomon's Temple Spiritualized,' 68