Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 12.djvu/548

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1904.

Marshall (Julian), his death, 459 Marshall (Richard). See Martial. Marsham-Townshend (B.) on Count de Bruhl, 275,373

Hobgoblin's claws, 338

Marston (E.) on river not flowing on the Sabbath, 19 Martial or Marshall (Richard), 'D.N.B.' on, 483 Martin (S.) on Bishop Westcott and vivisection, 205, Martyr (Mrs.), singer and actress, ob. 1807, 107 Mary, Queen of Scots, use of the designation, 148

196, 238

Mason (C.) on kaimakam, 70 King, banker, 131 Stoff (Lieut.-Col. de), 447 Maternity, records in, 158, 246 Matthews (A.) on I printed with small letter, 73 Nash (Richard), 135 Paleface, 491

Matthews (J. H.) on alias in the sixteenth and seven- teenth centuries, 277 Atkyns (Madam Charlotte), 53 Basilicas, 315 Coincidences, 190

Immurement alive of religious, 131, 376 Lambeth, 153 Lewis family, 313 Lloyd family, 252

Mineralogist and botanist to George III., 278 Scoggan or scoggin, 514 Wenthlok, 271

Matthews family and the Alpine Club, 406, 452 Max on ' Esther,' translated from the French, 388 Maxwell (Sir H.) on Aitken family, 213 Envelopes, 490 Formation of clouds, 134 Mary, Queen of Scots, 196 Nash (Richard), 15

Maxwell (P.) on Madame du Deffand's letters, 438 Eliot (George) and blank verse, 441 English accentuation, 94 Johnson's prayer, 516 Memory, 224 Miniature, 425 Oranges, 295 Puns, 386 Raggie, 512

Saints, imaginary or invented, 369 Sleep and death, 512 Translations, 285

Mayors, correct title and precedence, 14, 57, 211 Mazarin (Cardinal), his ecclesiastical rank, 19 Measures of capacity, want of uniformity in early,

344, 449 ; Cornish, 384 Medical barristers, 485 Memes and De Mesmes families, 228, 352 Memory, good, 224, 311, 333, 432 Menpes (Dorothy), her 'World Pictures,' 484 Mercer family of Meikleour, 288, 371 Methodism and ballads, 19, 137 Metternich (Prince), anecdote concerning, 125 Mico family, 145, 216 Midland parish registers, 209, 292 Midlander on Midland registers, 209 Miles (Septimus), watchmaker of Lud^ate Street 248 Military punishment, the picket, 325 Milk, asses', as medicine, 385, 511 Milksop as a surname, 425

Vliller (Hugh), of Greencroft, Virginia, 228 Miller (James), rector of Upcerne, his plays, 129 Millikin (Halley Benson), c. 1750, his ancestry, 185 Milton (G. E.) on memory, 311

Milton (John), his ' Hymn on the Morning of Christ's Nativity,' 56 ; epitaph attributed to, 67, 152 ; hia use of the word welter, 74 ; window in memory of, in St. Margaret's, Westminster, 123, 164; and ' Nova Solyma,' 168, 232 Minakata (Kumagusu) on anthropoid ape, 169 Japanese monkeys, 237 Legend of the serpent's feet, 112 " Palo de cobra," 288 Pictures composed of handwriting, 172 Keference wanted, 391 Story of an ungrateful son, 116 Trinity Sunday folk-lore, 477 Mineralogist and botanist to George II f., 89, 215|.


Miniature, etymology of the word, 425 Mirrors, Dr. Dee's magic, 467 Mistletoe on long lease, 513

Mineralogist and botanist to George III., 89 To dive, 278 Tongue-twisters, 234 Mistral's ' Mireille,' quotation from, 23 Mohammed, spelling of the name, 55 ; his coffin in

mid-air, 336 Moliere's saying "II m'est permis de reprendre mon

bien," 289

Molubdinous slowbelly, meaning of the term, 487 Monarchs travelling incognito, 267 Monkeys, the saccawinkee of Guiana, 205 ; Japanese,

237 Monmouth (Duke of), assertion of his legitimacy by

his heirs, 69 Monogram, Chi-Rho, 452

Montagu (Walter), his biography and writings, 77 Monteagle (Lord), portrait by P. van Somer, 430 Moon (Mrs.), supposed last survivor of the battle of

Waterloo, 346, 457 Moose, derivation of the word, 504 More (Sir Thomas) on St. Waleric, 445 More Church, Shropshire, Malvern tiles in, 146, 216, 354 Morganatic marriages, 486

Morice (Mr. Secretary) and Lord Clarendon, 182 Morren (John), 'D.N.B.' on, 483 Morris (H. C. L.) on anthropoid ape, 232 Polo (Marco), 225 Wolfram von Eschenbach, 288 Moseley (B. D.) on venison feast, 177 Moseley (W.) and Donhead St. Andrew, 205, 293, 356 Mottoes: "From caf to caf," 7, 59; " Sohou, Sohou," 7, 98; "So ho ho dea ne," 98; "Son comfort et Hesse," 249 ; " Hortus utramque," &c., 428,495; "Semper eadem," 466 ; " Ne vile velis," 507 Mount (C. B.) on Phasis in Johnson's 'Dictionary


Muf, A.-S. word, its translation, 268 Mug: to mug, use of the verb, 5, 57, 136, 231, 518 Muhammed. See Mohammed. Muir (A. J.) on Muir family, 410 Muir family, 410, 508

Mundesley, Norfolk, nameless gravestone at, 504 Mundy, goldsmith of London, seventeenth century, 485