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NOTES AND QUERIES. p» s. iv. Dec. le.m MACMILLAN & CO.'S BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. THE GIFT-BOOK OF THE SEASON. CHORAL SONGS. By Various Writers and Composers in Honour of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Bound in parchment, music folio, gilt edges, 21*. net. RUDYARD KIPLING'S NEW VOLUME. STALKY & CO. Extra crown 8vo. red cloth, gilt top, 6s. NEW BOOK BY FREDERIC HARRISON. TENNYSON, RUSKIN, MILL, AND OTHER LITERARY ESTIMATES. By FREDERIC HARRISON. Bxtra crown 8vo. 8s. Gd. net. A CAPITAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT. The EVERSLEY SHAKESPEARE. Mow complete in 10 Volumes, Globe 8vo. 5». each. Edited, with Introduction and Note«, by Professor C. H. HERFORD. TIMES.—" Seems admirably fitted to meet the needs of the ' cultivated but not learned * reader." GUARDIAN.—" Is in many respects the best that has been produced for the general reader." LITER ATURE.—" Admirably printed and bouud." The DRAMA of YESTERDAY and TO-DAY. By Clement Scott. With numerous Portrait*. 2 vols. 8vo. 36». net. PALL MALL GAZETTE.—"the volumes, while of great interest to the general reader, are to the theatrical specialist a complete storehouse of dramatic events of the past forty years. They are not only to be read, but should be placed side by side with Oenest." THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA. THIRD EDITION. With a NEW PREFATORY CHAPTER dealing Kith the events which hate induced the present Crisis. IMPRESSIONS of SOUTH AFRICA. By the Right Hon. James Bryce, M.P. With 3 Maps and with the Text of the Transvaal Conventions of 1881 and 1884. Crown 8vo. 6*. NEW AND CHEAPER EDITION NOW READY. SOUTH AFRICA of TO-DAY. By Captain Francis Younghusband, C.I.E., Indian Staff Corps, late Special Correspondent of the Timet In South Africa. With Illustrations. Crown Svo. tt. HIGHiVAYS AND BYWAYS SERIES.—New Volume. HIGHWAYS and BYWAYS in YORKSHIRE. By Arthur H. Norway. With Illustrations by JOSEPH PBNNBLL and HUSH THOMSON. Bxtra crown Svo. gilt top, Ss. PALL MALL GAZETTE.—" The wonderful story of Yorkshire's past provides Mr. Norway with a wealth of interest- ing material, which he has used judiciously and well; each grey ruin of castle and abbey he has re-erected and repeoplfd in the most delightful way. A better guide and story-teller it would be hard to find." IN the VALLEY of the RHONE. By Charles W. Wood, F.R.G.S., Author of ' Letters from Majorca,' Ac. With 88 Illustrations. Svo. 10s. net. NEW WORK ON THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. The REAL FRENCH REVOLUTIONIST. By Henry Jephson, Author of ' The Platform—its Rise and Progress.' With Map. Crown 8vo. 6». DAILY TELEGRAPH —" A. true aud complete history of the Vendean uprising of 1793 Of unflagging Interest. Mr. Jephson's book is eminently cosmopolitan In character and Interest alike, and the thinking public of all nation- alities should be grateful to him for an important contribution to historical literature, unsurpassed in interest by any fictional masterpiece of the nineteenth century." MACMILLAN fc CO., Limited, London. Printed by JOHN EDWARD FRANCIS. Athena>um Press. Blfmm's Buildings. Chancer* Lane. K C t and Published by JOHN U. FRANCIS at Bream's Buildings. Chancery Lane. B.C. — Saturday. Vecembtr 19. 1899.