Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 6.djvu/10

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NOTES AND QUERIES. p» s. vi. JULY 7,uoo. Calmness and Fortitude I worthy of her Piety. This Monument sacred to her Memory | was erectei as a Tribute of the moat | tender and lasting Affec tion | by her Sister | Rebecca Hamilton." " In Memory of | Mr John Fox I of Parliamen Street, Westminster I Solicitor | ob: 27 Dec' 182 jet 68. | Alao | of Susanna Fox | his youngest sur viving Daughter | ob: 17 Feby. 1830, zet. 32. | And | Marianna Fox | his Widow | ob : 19 NpV 183C set 78 | Their remains are deposited in the | north vault of this Church." Mr. John Fox was in his day a very well known member of the legal profession, anc lived at No. 6 in that portion of Parliamen Street demolished many years ago to make way for the first of the new Qovernmem Offices. After his death his family con tinued to reside in this house, much respected and constant worshippers at theparish church " The Remains I of | Mr William Graves | are deposited in the Vault of this Church | He diec August 28th 1795 | Aged 78 years | The Toils of life and pangs of death are o'er | And care and pain and sickness are no more." "In the vault underneath I are deposited the remains of | Mary | Relict of the I ,Vv' James Hare, M.A. | and daughter of Christopher, yonngest son of | Sir Walter Clarges, Bart. | she departed this life I on the 23"1 of January, 1823. I Aged 80 years." " In the Great Vault I near this Place | is Interr'd the Remains of JM™ Mary Jelfe | wife of William Jelfe | of this Parish | who departed this Life : 25th September 1766 | Aged 45. | Also | William Son of the above named | William and Mary | who died in his Infancy." " In the north vault of this Church | are deposited the remains of | Lytton George Kier, Esquire, I of Bridge Street | in the City of Westminster, | and of Clapham Common | in the County of Surrey;] for many years the highly respected | Treasurer | of the united parishes I of Saint Margaret | and Saint John the Evangelist | and a trustee I of many of the local charities j to which | he was a liberal contributor | Died 25th June 1840; | Aged 64 years." In addition to the offices as set forth on this monument, Mr. L. G. Kier was church- warden in 1809-10, as his father had been before him in 1786-7. " Near this Spot are deposited the Remains of | Mary Rose Wife of John Maberly Esq. | of Shirley in the County of Surry I who died in this Parish on the 14th of April 1810 | Aged Forty years." " Sacred to the Memory of I John Minnett, late of this Parish, Gent" | who died 14th April 1823, aged 67. I And to Mary Minnett, his Widow | who died June 9* 1838, Aged 81. [their mortal remains being deposited in the South Vault of this church." Mr. John Minnett served the responsible office of churchwarden in 1797-8. " In the same grave Lies M" Rebecca Moncriefe I who Died the IS"1 of April 1742 Aged 72 | As also her Son Mr John Moncriefe Son in Law to Mr John Alford | who was Universally Lamented by all that knew him. | He was Clerk to y" late Lord Cheif Baron Gilbert & to M' Baron Carter | Successively to the time of their Deaths | Both whom he Served with the Greatest fidelity and Diligence | for Sound- ness of Judgment Uprightness Sweetness of temper & General Benevolence | to all Mankind none ever exceeded Him as all his Acquaintance can Testify | In his private Life he was a Dutifull Son and Nephew and to his Wife | who lost in him the best of Husbands y« Sincere friend & Agreable Com- panion | and who in thirty Years Acquaintance never saw Him out of Temper | fourteen Years of which bhe was married to Him | and whose Greife will Always Remaine for her Great Loss I of so Indulgent a Husband while she is in this World I he Died the 26th of June 1748 Old Stile in the 45"> year of his Age I This was Erected in Remem- brance of BO Good a Husband | by Elizabeth Mon- creife his widow 1758." See first inscription. " In a vault underneath this Church | are de- posited the remains of | Edward Morris Esq I one of the Masters of the High Court of Chancery I formerly Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge, | and for many years Member of Parliament for I the Borough of Newport, Cornwall, | who died April 12"- 1815, aged 47 years | Also of | George Paulet Morris, M.D; F.R.S. | Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians) and for many years Physician to Westminster Hospital | who died September 17 1837, aged 77 years." Sacred | to the Memory of William Pollock, . whose Remains are deposited in this Church I £i?d«!7 February 1816 Aged 75 years. | He was Chief Clerk in the Secretary of State's Office which I he filled with the utmost Integrity for upwards of 50 years | A good Christian, a dutiful Son, an affectionate Husband | and an honest Man I Likewise of M™ Hannah Pollock (Relict of the above,) | who died 3"1 April 1822 | Aged 83 Years." To the Memory of | Elizabeth | the wife of « St!rfeson?5?r' of *!"8 Parish I She died March 1823, aged 61 years | exemplary in every relation of life, | and every department of duty f Also of the above named | Simon Stephenson I who died 15th January 1844, aged 79 years. Simon Stephenson was a much valued nhabitant of the parish, being for many years the vestry clerk of St. Margaret's, in which capacity he was greatly esteemed and nghly respected for his straightforwardness lonesty, and integrity. W. E. HARLAND-OXLEY. (To be continiied.) HORACE WALPOLE AND HIS EDITORS. (Continued from 9th S. v. 451.) IN his letter to Mann of 24 Nov., 1776 Cunningham's ed., vol. vi. p. 393), Horace Walpole is made to write: "I can tell you >ne event: Lord Kockingham is made Lord jieutenant of Ireland." "Rockingham" is vidently a misreading for "Buckingham." ?he second Earl of Buckinghamshire (invari- bly referred to by Horace Walpole in his etters as "Earl of Buckinghams until the reation of Earl Temple as Marquis of Buck- ngham) was appointed Lord Lieutenant of reland at the end of 1776, and his appoint-