Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/331

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force was in one end of the building, and that this poor innocent young Mexican had fully made up his mind to shoot the Yankee, but the Yankee was too quick for him.

At noon I volunteered to go on picket guard for two hours, at Post 7; it seems the sentinel that was to go on this post was shot and dangerously wounded at his mess fire-place, just before going on guard, and there being no one just at hand, I went on duty, and never did I see sharper shooting; it seems that I was a perfect target for the Mexicans; and judging from the balls fired and bouncing around the street and pavement, they must have been from some of our own rifles.

About 2 o'clock, p.m., an express came from Gen. Scott at city of Mexico, saying that everything is quiet at the city of Mexico, and was anxious to know how the garrison is getting along, whether Gen. Santa Anna has taken any position of note from us, and also was very anxious to know whether Gen. Santa Anna had succeeded in raising the citizens of Puebla to arms, to drive the American forces out of Puebla.

Gen. Santa Anna, before he left the city of Mexico, boasted that he would march with the balance of his army to Puebla, storm and take possession of the said city, and drive the Yankees out and into the Gulf of Mexico, or die in the attempt.

It is true. Gen. Santa Anna has made several desperate attempts to capture this city from our little garrison, but has been defeated each time, not even capturing a single soldier. Gen. Santa Anna himself is now en route for that direction, and I think, the way things look, Gen. Santa Anna will himself be driven into the Gulf of Mexico.

The report also states that Gen. Scott hung forty deserters—soldiers that deserted from our army during the war with Mexico; they were called the St. Patrick Guards, a very appropriate name; they were nearly all captured at the bloody battle of Churubusco, and among those captured was the notorious Col. Riley, who was a lieutenant in the Third United States Infantry, and deserted at Fort Brown, Texas, in May, 1846. He was one of our bitterest enemies in all Mexico, and