Page:Notes upon Russia (volume 2, 1851).djvu/132

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many different nations. Amongst these, the Goths are remarkable for their valour in war. They are divided into Ostrogoths and Westrogoths; the former meaning eastern, and the latter western Goths, from the situation of the countries which they inhabit. Marching out of this country, they became in former times a terror to the whole world, as several authors have recorded.

Norway, called by some Nortwagia, lies in a long range contiguous to Sweden, and is washed by the sea; and as the latter took its name from sud, that is, south, so the former derives its name from nort, that is, the north, in which direction it lies. For the Germans have used their own vernacular names for the four cardinal points, to designate provinces lying in those respective directions; for ost signifies east, whence the name of Austria, which the Germans properly call Osterreich. West is the German word for the Occident, whence comes the name of Westphalia; and in the same manner as I have above said, from sud and nort, come Swetia and Nortwagia.

Scandia is not an island, but a continent, forming part of the kingdoms of Sweden, and skirting the country of the Goths in a long tract. A great part of it now belongs to the King of Denmark; but as writers on these matters have described it as larger than Sweden itself, and have stated that the Goths and Lombards proceeded thence, these three kingdoms seem, according to my opinion, to have been comprehended as one great body, under the single name of Scandia; for at that time that part of the land between the Frozen Ocean and the Baltic Sea, which washes Finland, was unknown, and is indeed but little known to this day, on account of the great number of marshes and innumerable rivers, together with the inclemency of the climate; this has been the cause that many have described the whole of this immense island [peninsula] under the single name of Scandia.

With respect to Corela, we have already said that it is tri-