Page:Notes upon Russia (volume 2, 1851).djvu/207

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had the same in fee farme, as were payde the customes of all other prouinces partayning to the Romane Empyre; and they are these folowyng: —

Cinamome. Long pepper. Whyte pepper. Cloues. Costus. Cancomo. Spikenarde. Cassia. Sweete perfumes. Gumme of Arabie. Cardamome. Xilocinamome. Carpesio. Sylkes of diuers sortes. Lynnen cloth. Skynnes and Furres of Parthia and Babylon. Iuorie. Wood of Heven. Pretious stones. Pearles. Jewelles of Sardonica. Ceraunia. Calamus Aromaticus.

Xilocassia. Myr. Amome. Ginger. Malabatrum. Ammoniac. Galbane. Lasser. Agarike. Berille. Cilindro. Slaues. Cloth of Sarmatia. The sylke called Metaxa. Vestures of sylke. Died cloth, and sylke. Carbasei. Sylke threede. Gelded men. Popingayes. Lions of India. Leopardes. Panthers. Purple.

Also that iuyce or lyquour whiche is geathered of woolly and of the heare of the Indians.

The great riches the kings of Egypt had by customes.

The noble enterpryses of the kings of Egypt.



By these woordes it doth appeare, that in olde tyme the said nauigation by the way of the red sea was wel knowen, & muche frequented, & perhaps more then it is at this present: Insomuch that the ancient kynges of Egypt, consyderyng the great profite of the customes they had by the viages of the red sea, and wylling to make the same more easie & commodious, attempted to make a fosse or chanel, which should begin in the last part of the said sea, where was a citie named Arsinoe (which perhappes is that that is nowe called Sues), and should have reached to a branch of the riuer of Nilus, named Pelusio, whiche emptieth it selfe in