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us and appoint others in our stead; but in a Parliament, the responsibility is scattered over such a number that it cannot be definitely fixed, so that the majority of members always remain the instruments of plutocratic cliques. It is true that we have been elected by a National Electoral Convention, consisting only of the delegates of the Revolutionary minority, but the nation knows definitely who its rulers are, and can rise and overthrow us if it does not approve of our rule."

Mary: "Do you think, my dear Oliver, that there is any possibility of the people rising against us?"

Oliver: "None, my dear. Without laying too much stress on the apathy, not to say cowardice of the average man of the majority, their remain the facts that the people are now far better off than they were in the days of the Plutocracy, and that we have not left our enemies the money to pay for a counter-revolution."

This concluded the conversation, and after transacting some business, our hero and heroine quitted the Treasury Buildings, where the conversation had taken place, and returned to their private house.