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2 Swift as the shock amazement spreads,
And sinners tremble too ;
What flight can screen their guilty heads,
If earth itself pursue ?

3 But mercy sparedus while itwarn d,
The shock is felt no more :
And mercy, now, alas ! is scorn d
By sinners, as before.

4 But if these warnings prove in vain,
Say, sinner, canst thou tell
How soon the earth may quake again,
And open wide to hell ?

5 Repent before the Judge draws nigh ;
Or else, when he comes down,
Thou wilt in vain for earthquakes cry,
To hide thee from his frown.

6 But happy they who love the Lord,
And his salvation know ;
The hope that s founded 011 his word,
No change can overthrow.

7 Should the deep-rooted hills be hurl d,
And plunged beneath the seas,
And strong convulsions shake the world,
Your hearts may rest in peace.

8 Jesus, your Shepherd, Lord, and Chief,
Shall shelter you from ill,
And not a worm or shaking leaf
Can move but at his will.

On the Fire at Olney. Sept. 22, 1777.

1 WEARIED by day with toils and cares,
How welcome is the peaceful night !
Sweet sleep our wasted strength repairs,
And fits us for returning light.

2 Yet when our eyes in sleep arc closed,
Our rest may break ere well begun ;

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