408 INDEX. Commercial, Cincinnati, 6. Conant, R. 18. Condon, Prof. Thomas, 102. Conner, Miss, 19. Connolly, W., 345. Connor, John, 195. Cooper, Dr. J. F., 211. Cooper, J. C., "The Yamhllls "An In- dian Romance, 402. Coryell, Abram, 136. Coryell, Louis, 136, 138. Coryell, George, 138. Coviland, Charles, 394. Cox, Anderson, state councilman, 30. Cox, Ross, 110. Coues, Dr. Elliott, 109, 110. Crawford, John. 60. Crockett, 8. B., 51, 61. Crockett, Colonel Joseph, sketch of life, 60. Crooks, Colonel, 112. Crooks, Ramsay, 112. Crosby, Captain, 14. Crosby, Hart, 138. Cusick, W. C., 212. Dale, Captain Chris, 19. Dall, Captain, 19. Davenport, T. W., The Lessons of His- tory and Evolution, 314. Davidson, Sarah, 18. Davis, Aezercah, 60. Davis, Benjamin, 135. Davis, W. S., 136. Day, John, 112. Day, Eph, 127. Deady, Judge M. P., 92. Dease, John W., 335. Dolaney, Daniel, 48, 67. Delin & Shorey, 6. Democrat, The True, 3. De Smet, Father, missionary to Flat- heads, 68. De Vos, Father, missionary to Flat- heads, 68, 181. Deckson, John, 232. Diamond, John, 136. Diamond's Peak, origin of name, 136. Dillard, W. B., The Beginnings of Lane County, 133. Documents, 191), 205. Dodge, Henry, 147. D.tdson, William, 135. Donation Act, The, 1. Doniphan, General, 54, 59. Donner party, the sufferings of, 392. Dorr's Rebellion, effect of, 323. Dougherty, William, 185. Douglas, Robert, commissioner Spo- kane' County, 26; auditor Spokane County, 27. Douglas, James, chief factor Hudson Bay Company, 52, 80, 85, 94 ; letter from, 281 ; quotation from address, aer.ste. Douglas, David, early botanist, Pacific Coast, 208. Douglas, David, a brief memoir of the life of, with extracts from his letters, by Sir. W. J. Hooker, 223. Douglas, David, sketch of a journey to the northwestern part of the conti- nent of North America during the years 1824-25-26-27, 230; do, continued, Douglas, John, 223. Douglas, Stephen A.. 311. Dowell, Samuel M., 60. Downey, Christopher, 6. Doyle, ., commissioner of Stevens County, 29. Drummond, Mr., 330. Dumas, Faques, appointed commis- sioner Spokane County, 27. Dunmore, Governor, (>2. Durand, Ellas, quoted, 211. Eddy, William H., of the Donner P;irty. 392, 393. Ermetinger, Frank, 94, 219, 327, 345. Eschscholtz, Johann F., 208. Evans, Captain, 60. Farrell, John, 19 Ferguson, E. O., 6. Field, Colonel John, 60. Finlay, Jaques Raphael, 338. Kiske, Prof. John, 102. Fleming, Colonel William, 60. Flint, James R., 122. Floyd, John, United States representa tive, 141. Ford, G., 6. Ford, Colonel, 53. Foster, William, 389, 393. Foster, Mrs. William, of the Donner party, 391, 393. Franchere, Gabriel, 109. Franklin, Captain, 259, 330. Fremont, John C., governor, 86, 87, 88, 89, 212. Gallagher, Sarah J., 8. Gant, Captain John, engaged as pilot for Burnett train, 67, 76. Garrison, Mr., 75, 285, 286. Garry, N icholas, 230. Gazette, Seattle, extract from, 9; letters from Mercer, 10. George, Henry, 316. Gibson, O. B., 127. Gilbert, George, 136. Gettetee, P. W., A Brief History of the Oregon Steam Navigation Company, 120. Gilliam's Company, 39. Gilliam, Cornelius, 51, 52, 54. Gilmore, ., 183. Gold, discovery of. in California, 370; first news of in Oregon, 371. Goode, Mr., 348. Gorman, Martin, 213. Gould, Jay, 128, 129. Graham, Walter, 8. Grant, General, 14. Gray, W. C., appointed commissioner Spokane County, 33. Gray, Captain Robert, discovery of Co- lumbia, 103. Gray, W. H., 114; statements of, 182, 185; representations of, 272; criticism upon the "History of Oregon," 280, 286. Gray's "Oregon," quoted, 374. Gray, Asa, 211. Grinnold, Mrs., 18. Griffin, Mr., :l>. Griffin, M. A., Iv Griffith, E. W., 136. Grover, L. F., 2S7. Guthrie, Julia, 18.
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