Page:Orlando Furioso (Rose) v3 1825.djvu/254

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Eight lances’ shock, that eight such warriors guide,
Which all at once against the king they rest,
Endured the stout and scaly serpent’s hide,
In which the cruel Moor his limbs had drest.
As a barque rights itself,—the sheet untied,
Which held its sail,—by growing wind opprest;
So speedily Sir Rodomont arose,
Though a hill had been uprooted by the blows.


Rainier and Guido, Richard, Salomon,
Ivan, Ughetto, Turpin, and the twain—
Angiolin, Angelier—false Ganellon,
And Mark and Matthew from St. Michael’s plain,
With the eight of whom I spake, all set upon
The foe, with Edward and Sir Arimane;
Who leading succours from the English shore,
Had lodged them in the town short time before.


Not so, well-keyed into the solid stone,
Groans upon Alpine height the castle good,
When by rude Boreas’ rage or Eurus’ strown,
Uptorn are ash and fir in mountain-wood,
As groans Sir Rodomont, with pride o’erblown,
Inflamed with anger and with thirst of blood:
And, as the thunder and the lightning’s fire
Fly coupled, such his vengeance and his ire.