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" I ll praise my Maker with my breath." No. 242.

Dr. Watts version of Psalm cxlvi. has a special interest as the last psalm used by John Wesley when very weak he suddenly broke forth in these most appropriate words. It is given in the " Xew Congregational Hymn Book," with the 2nd verse omitted ;

" Eternal Power whose high abode." No. 257.

This is the last piece in Book I. of Watts " Horse Lyricee " (1706). It is headed "God exalted above all praise," verses two and three of the original are, in the " JS T ew Congregational Hymn Book," compressed into one verse.

" Keep silence, all created things." No. 267.

This is part of a piece of twelve verses, headed " God s do minion and decrees," and found in Book I. of Watts " Horae Lyrics," (1706.)

" The Lord how fearful is His name." No. 268.

This is a piece in Watts " Horse Lyricae," Book I., headed " Sovereignty and Grace." A verse has been omitted before verse four, and verse four has been improved by alteration.

" Almighty Maker, God." No. 271.

This is part of a piece of eleven stanzas in Watts " Hora) Lyrica3," (1706), Book I. It is headed " Sincere Praise."

" Eternal wisdom, Thee we praise." No. 275.

This consists of the first verse and the last three verses of a piece of eighteen stanzas, and divided into five parts, in Watts "Horse Lyricse," Book I. (1706). It is headed "A Song to Creating Wisdom."

" Blest be the wisdom and the power." No. 298.

This is song 3 of Watts "Divine Songs for Children." It is headed " Praise to God for our Redemption;" one verse is omitted.

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