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to those works of Christian usefulness which his single life left him free to pursue. Known to posterity as a Christian poet, he was best known by many in his own time as their faithful adviser in the hour of spiritual need.

He was born in the town of Mors, in Westphalia ; and his father, a godly tradesman, died soon after his birth. As his mother s circumstances rendered it necessary, young Tersteegen went into business, in his fifteenth year, at Muhlheim on the Ruhr. There he experienced a great spiritual work. But, finding his business unfivourable to the progress of his religious life, he entered upon another the manufacture of silk ribbons. This business could be carried on without the assistance of other workmen, and did not interfere with meditation ; hence it suited the mystic tendencies of his mind, and he found much happiness while engaged in it. After enjoying his retirement for some time, he still further lightened his business cares by associating with himself one Sommer as a partner.

Tersteegen s religious experience was remarkable. While an apprentice at Muhlheim, his faith was strengthened by what happened to him while on a journey to Duisburg. On his way, and when in a forest and alone, he was overtaken by violent spasms that threatened his life. He prayed earnestly that he might be spared in order that he might better prepare himself for eternity. His prayer was immediately answered, and he at once dedicated himself entirely to Christ. But he did not escape the snares of self-righteousness. Austerities were tried, but in vain, and he passed through the experience he writes of when he says, making use of Augustine s well-known saying,

" My heart is pained, nor can it be At rest, till it finds rest in Thee."

At length he could gratefully write, " He took me by the hand, He drew me away from perdition s yawning gulf, directed my eye to Himself, and instead of the well-deserved pit of hell, opened to me the unfathomable abyss of His loving heart. At

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