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and to all who use them; just as an ancient cathedral, the magnificent design of some master builder of old, but whose details were not elaborated in his day, and whose lines of beauty are beginning to be effaced by the fingers of decay, may be successfully restored, and may at the same time put on a splendour the first designer never saw, by the toil and skill of humbler labourers of later times.

It only remains for the author of this work to express the deep obligation under which he lies to several living hymn-writers, and other competent helpers, for their most valuable co-operation, without which his toilsome labours and extended researches would have been in vain. To the following living hymn-writers, from whom he has received by private communication more or less of assistance, he tenders his grateful thanks:— Dr. W. L. Alexander, Rev. T. W. B. Aveling, William Bartholomew, Rev. Thomas Binney, Dr. H. Bonar, John Burton, James Edmeston, Charlotte Elliott, Rev. Christopher Elven, Rev. S. S. England, Rev. H. Mayo Gunn, Rev. H. March, Eliza F. Morris, G. R., A. C. Hobart Seymour, Dr. G. Smith, Dr. Spence, A. L. Waring, Dr. Wreford, and Miss Harriet Parr. It will be a matter of great regret to the author if he has in any case unintentionally made public what his correspondents did not communicate for public use. The pleasure of public usefulness may perhaps compensate for the pain of an undesired publicity. The author has also received very kind assistance from some of the relatives of deceased hymn-writers, and from others who by their official, or literary, or local position, had special facilities for obtaining information, and from others who have for years given attention to the subject of hymnology. He thankfully names the following:— Rev. Henry Allon, Mrs. Anstice, Revds. R. Ashton, Charles Bradley, J. Cawood, E. R. Conder, B. H. Cowper, J. A. Eberle, E. B. Elliott, H. Auber Harvey, James Martineau, T. Morell, Prof,