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Bulmer, Rev. John, 770, 778 311

Burder, Rev. George, 786, 831 258

Burton, John, 464 284

Butcher, Rev. Edmund, 952 265

Cawood, Rev. John, M.A., 790 294

Carlisle 296

Carlyle, Rev. J. D., B.D., 810 296

Cennick, Rev. John, 310, 314, 334, 341, 396, 418, 630, 912 104

Charlemagne 7

Clayton, Rev. George, 969 306

Clemens, Alexandrinus, 975 3

Collyer, Rev. W. B., D.D., 520,846,857,913 298

Conder, Josiah, 21, 26, 46, 49, 64, 121, 154, 178, 264, 277, 307, 348, 357, 407, 442, 450, 451, 459, 508, 512, 535, 559, 571, 591, 605,

636, 818, 856, 867, 905, 915 333

Conder, Mrs. Josiah, 949 362

Cooper, 4i7 363

Cotterill, Rev. Thomas, M.A., 352, 428, 821 289

Cowper, William, 100, 281, 28 1, 306, 474, 532, 537, 548, 588, 598,

640,644,651,679,686,776, 805,883 201

Darby 374

Davies, Rev. Samuel, M. A., 295 180

Decius, Rev. Nicholas, 291 12

Deck, James George, 600 374

De Courcy, Rev. Richard, 609 232

Dickson, Rev. David 5

Dobell, John, 495 269

Dober, Anna, 572 156

Doddridge, Rev. Philip, D.D., 62, 157, 278, 285, 292, 300, 302, 326, 347, 377, 386, 398, 443, 493, 562, 563, 573, 587, 613, 614, 617, 619, 675, 683, 691, 715, 719, 734, 736, 765, 767, 815, 841, 852, 861, 884, 891, 893, 896, 907, 916, 943, 954, 955, 956, 960, 966,

967, 978, 981, 983, 996 113

Dryden, John, 433 51

Duffield, Rev. George, 890 384

Dwight, J. S., 998 385

Dwight, Rev. T., D.D., 36, 828 253

Dyer 395

Edmeston, James, 840, 985 347

Elliott, Charlotte, 399, 517, 599 369

Elven, Rev. Cornelius, 530 . . 363

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