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" Blest bo the clear uniting love." No. 8 17.

Three stanzas are omitted. The last line in verse 2 was originally

" And do His work below."

This hymn appeared in "Hymns and Sacred Poems," 1742. " Lamb of God, whose bleeding love." No. 869.

This hymn appeared in 1745 in the " Hymns for the Lord s Supper."

" Come, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." No. 859.

In the original (1749) this hymn appears to countenance the unprofitable doctrine of " apostolical succession." In the " New Congregational " it is much altered to avoid that error.

" For ever here my rest shall be." No. 875. This is part of a hymn (1740) beginning

"Jesus, Thou art my righteousness." " Give me the faith which can remove." No. 887.

One of C. Wesley s excellent hymns, "Fora Preacher of the Gospel."

" Blow ye the trumpet, blow!" Xo. 923.

This hymn, sometimes erroneously attributed to Toplady, was one of seven six of which appeared for the first time contained in a tract entitled " Hymns for New Year s Day," and published in 1755.

" The Lord of earth and sky." No. 961.

One of C. Wesley s " New Year Hymns" an improvement and application of the Scripture parable of the " barren fig-tree," bearing date 1749.


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