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THIS name is given in the " New Congregational " to hymn 810, instead of the following :


THIS learned and accomplished divine accompanied the Earl of Elgin, in 1799, when he went as ambassador to the Porte. The object of Mr. Carl yle s journey was to ascertain what literary trea sures there were in the public library of Constantinople. He ex tended his journey to Asia Minor, and the islands and shores of the Archipelago. The scenes of his travels awakened his muse, and he published, in 1805, " Poems, suggested chiefly by Scenes in Asia Minor, Syria, &c." Illness prevented him from revising his poems, and they were edited by Susanna Maria Carlyle. The volume includes some miscellaneous pieces and three religious pieces at the end. One is Hymn No. 810 in the " New Congre gational Hymn Book ; - "

" Lord, when we bend before Thy Throne."

It is headed " A Hymn before Public Worship." It is given in the original in stanzas of eight lines, of which, one is omitted in the " New Congregational Hymn Book," and the others are a little altered.

Mr. Carlyle was a clergyman of the Established Church, Chan cellor of Carlisle, vicar of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge. He was the author of " Specimens of Arabian Poetry, &c., with some account of the Authors," 1796 ; and he edited, " The Old and New Testaments, in Arabic," 1811.


17811840. THE REV. THOMAS MORELL, who was best known as the theological

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