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those given in the "New Congregational Hymn Book." One of the best known is the hymn

" Why that look of sadness ? " the 107th in his " Devotional Hymns," 1850.

" To-day the Saviour calls." No. 491. This is given in " The Sahbath Hymn Book," 1858. "Eeturn, wanderer, to thy home." No. 521.

This is the 61st in his " Devotional Hymns," 1850. It had appeared in 1834.

" Lord, Thy work revive." No. 812.

This is erroneously attributed to "Browne" in the "New Con gregational Hymn Book." It is by Thomas Hastings. It is also given in " Hymns and Devotional Poetry, collected by C. W. Andrews, New York," 1857.



MR BULMER was a useful Congregational minister during a long life, and the author of some works. He was born in Yorkshire, and, after a pious youth, entered upon his studies for the ministry at Rotherham College. His longest pastorate was for twenty- seven years at Haverfordwest. He was afterwards pastor at Hugely, Staffordshire, and subsequently engaged in useful ministerial work at Bristol and Newbury, and finally at Langrove, near Ross.

He wrote several good hymns. There are two by him in the " New Congregational Hymn Book," Nos. 770 and 778. They are found in his " Hymns Original and Select," 1835, a work containing a few hymns by himself.

Lord of the vast creation." No. 770.

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