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" Father, to Thy sinful child." No- 535-

This is the fifth part, for the words, " Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us."

" Heavenly Father, to whose eye-" No- 636-

This is the sixth part, for the words, "And lead us not into tempta tion, hut deliver us from evil."



THE author of the "Christian Year" was educated at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. in honours in 1810. He was M.A. in 1813. After receiving a fellowship at Oriel College, where henumhered Dr. Arnold amongst his friends, he was appointed puhlic examiner and afterwards professor of poetry ; and after some time he became vicar of Hursley, near Winchester. This living he held till his death, March 29th, 1866. He died at Bournemouth, in his seventy-fourth year, his end having been hastened by his assiduous attention to his afflicted wife.

He has published sermons and pamphlets on ecclesiastical subjects, and is the author of No. 78 of " Tracts for the Times," 1837 ; and along with Drs. Pusey and Newman, he edited the "Library of the Fathers" and the " Anglo- Catholic Library." He has been an active member of the " Church Union " move ment. He is also the author of " Praelectiones Academic*, " two volumes, 1844; "Hooker s Works," 1836; and "Bishop Wilson s Life," 1863. In 1813 he gained the Chancellor s prize for an essay on " Translation from the Dead Languages."

As a poet, he is the author of " Lyra Innocentium ; Thoughts in Verse on Children, their Ways and their Privileges," 1847; and of "The Psalter; or, Psalms of David in English Verse, by a member of the University of Oxford," 1839 ; and of poems in the " Lyra Apostolica." But his best known work is " The Christian


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