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many and various departments. He was born at Exeter, October 17th, 1792. His family belonged to Devonshire, where they gave their name to their estate, Bowringsleigh, in the parish of West Alvington. In early life young Bowring came under the in fluence of Jeremy Bentham, whose principles he adopted, and main tained in the "Westminster Review," of which he was, from 1825, for some years the editor. He was also Bentham s executor, and published his works, in twenty-three volumes, with a biography.

To two branches of knowledge Mr. Bowring gave special attention, languages and commerce. He sat in Parliament for the Clyde Boroughs from 1835 to 1837, and for Bolton from 1841 to 1849. He has carried several useful measures through Parliament, and filled several important offices under Government, especially in connection with foreign commerce, and with the public accounts. He is a strong advocate of " the decimal system," and we owe to him the introduction of the florin. In 1849, he was appointed British Consul at Canton, and in 1854, Governor of Hong Kong. In the year 1855, he undertook a special mission to Siam ; and in 1859, he retired from the public service with a pension. Numerous honours have deservedly been conferred on him. The University of Groningen, in Holland, conferred on him the degree of LL.D. While in China, he was made a Fellow of the Royal Society, and he was knighted in 1854. He belongs to several learned societies, and foreign princes and peoples have recognized his services to commerce and literature, by sending him testimonials, presents, and orders. In religion, he is one of the most distinguished members of the Unitarian denomination, and he aids the movement for providing secular lectures on Sunday.

Sir John Bowring is a voluminous writer. Amongst his works are "Minor Morals for Young People," 1834. "The Commercial Relations between England and France," 1836. "The Decimal System," 1854. "The Kingdom and People of Siam," 1857. " A Visit to the Philippine Islands," 1859. And many of his works reveal his extraordinary knowledge of

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