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one, to the Unitarian collection by Dr. J. R. Beard, entitled, " A Collection of Hymns for Public and Private Worship," 1837 ; and who is the author of numerous hymns and poetical pieces, which have appeared in periodicals in England and America. Hymn 1000 was written in the year 1837, about the time of the Queen s Accession to the Throne, and published with other loyal and patriotic pieces drawn from the author by that joyful occasion.

Dr. Wreford was educated for the ministry at Manchester College, York, and on leaving that institution in 1825, entered upon his public duties as co-pastor with the Rev. John Kentish, minister of the New Meeting House, Birmingham. In con sequence of the failure of his voice, Dr. Wreford was obliged to retire from the active duties of the ministry in 1831. He then devoted himself to the work of tuition, in which he has been very successful for many years. He has now given up that profession, and lives in comparative retirement near Bristol ; still, however, employing his productive pen in literai y pursuits. Dr. Wreford does not, and never did, belong to the modern school of Unitarians, with whom he has no sympathy, but con siders himself as connected with the good old body of " English Presbyterians, who always carefully repudiated all sectarian names and doctrinal distinctions."

Among his prose works are a " Sketch of the History of Presbyterian Nonconformity in Birmingham," and a translation from the French of " A Discourse on the Authenticity and Divine Origin of the Old Testament, with Notes and Illustra tions by J. E. Cellerier." He is also one of the editors of the " Sermons by the late Rev. Henry Acton, of Exeter ; with a Memoir of his Life:" and the author of some archaBological papers and some sermons ; and in poetry he has published " Lays of Loyalty ; " " Songs of the Sea ; " " Songs descriptive of the Christian Graces;" "Lays of Devotion," 1851; "A Memorial of Song," 1855; and he has in preparation (18G6) his " Poems : including Hymns, Sonnets, and Lyrics."

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