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valuable work. He also contributed articles to the " Encyclopaedia Britannica."

Recently Dr. Alexander has contributed some hymns to the

magazines, and some to the " United Presbyterian Hymn Book."

He has also written some brief religious poems. There is one

good hymn by him in the " New Congregational Hymn Book "

" From distant corners of our land." No. 886.

He has kindly supplied its history. It was written some years ago for the annual meeting of the Congregational Union of Scot land, and it is generally printed on the programme of the anni versary meeting, and sung on that occasion. It is a hymn ex actly adapted for a meeting of ministers gathered from remote parts, but one in purpose and heart.

Dr. Alexander has printed no volume of poetry ; but he pre pared a collection of hymns some years ago, known from the name of his church as " The Augustine Hymn Book." This collection contains several of his hymns.


BORN 1808.

THIS voluminous religious author, best known as Dr. Bonar of Kelso, is a native of Edinburgh, where he studied at the High School, and afterwards at the University. He was ordained to the ministry, at Kelso, in 1837, and has since continued his pastoral labours there. He joined the Free Church of Scotland in 1843. Several of his religious works have become popular, and command a large sale. Amongst his works are : " The Night of Weeping ; or, Words for the Suffering Family of God." This had reached its 45th thousand in 1853. And a sequel volume, " The Morning of Joy," 1850. Also "The Blood of the Cross," 7th edition, 1849. " The Coming and Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ," 1849. "Truth and Error," 1846. "Man: his Religion and his World," 1854. " The Desert of Sinai," notes of a journey,

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