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" Heavenly Father, may Thy love." No. 851.

THIS hymn is given with this name in " Psalms and Hymns for Public, Private, and Social Worship, by the late Rev. Henry Venn Elliott, M.A.," (sixth thousand, 1843), a collection of 431 pieces. The Rev. E. B. Elliott, M.A., author of " Hor Apocalyp- ticae," and other works, and who is a brother of the late Rev. H. Venn Elliott, has kindly supplied the following information about Mr. Guest : At the time when the Rev. H. Venn Elliott was preparing his collection, the Rev. Benjamin Guest had a school at Kemp s Town, Brighton, and constantly attended his ministry. There is no doubt that it was he who contributed this hymn to that collection. The Rev. B. Guest afterwards held a living in Rutlandshire for some years.


"To realms beyond the sounding sea." No- 903.

THE author of this hymn is the Rev. H. Mayo Gunn, a Congre gational minister, who has been for many years fulfilling his ministry at Warminster, in Wilts. He studied at Coward Col lege, and entered upon his ministry in 1839. The above hymn was written for the " New Congregational Hymn Book " (1855). Mr. Gunn has taken an interest in hymnology. He is the author of several hymns, and he has been very happy in some of his translations of ancient hymns. One of his best pieces is a hymn, which has been printed as a handbill and in other forms : it is entitled " The Cross of Christ." It consists of six verses, and commences

" Higher, higher, to the cross."

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