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Eternal God, we look to Thee ... ... ... ... ... 176

Eternal Light, eternal Light ... ... ... ... ... 366

Eternal Power, whose high abode ... ... ... ... 91

Eternal Spirit, by whose power ... ... ... ... ... 362

Eternal Wisdom, Thee we praise ... ... ... ... 91

Faith, tis a precious grace 175

Far from the world, O Lord, I flee 208

Father, how wide Thy glories shine ... ... ... ... 92

Father, I know that all my life ... ... ... ... ... 399

Father of all, in whom alone ... ... ... ... ... 142

Father of eternal grace ... 282 336

Father of heaven, whose love profound ... ... ... 363 404

Father of life and light 312

Father of love and power ... ... ... ... 396 406

Father of mercies, bow Thine ear ... ... ... ... 175

Father of mercies, condescend ... ... ... ... ... 297

Father, to Thy sinful child .. ... ... ... ... 337

Father, whate er of earthly bliss ... 163

For a season called to part ... ... ... ... ... 188

For ever here my rest shall be ... ... ... ... ... 145

Fountain of mercy, God of love 149 301

From distant corners of our land ... ... ... ... 380

From Greenland s icy mountains 303 304

From yon delusive scene ... ... ... ... ... 306

Give me the faith which can remove 145

Give me the wings of faith to rise ... ... ... ... 98

Give to the winds thy fears ... ... ... ... ... 35

Glory to God on high 211 269

Glory to the Father give 283

Glory to Thee, my God, this night 58

God bless our native land ... ... ... ... ... 385

God is gone up on high ... ... ... ... ... ; .. 139

God is our refuge in distress ... 20

God is the refuge of His saints ... ... ... ... ... 88

God moves in a mvsterious way ... ... ... ... ... 207

God of my life, through all its days 119

God of my life, whose gracious power ... ... ... ... 143

God of our life, Thy various praise 236

God of pity, God of grace ... ... ... ... ... 402

Grace, tis a charming sound ... ... ... ... ... 119

Great God, as seasons disappear 267 406

Great God, impress our trilling minds ... ... ... ... 261

Great God, now condescend ... ... ... ... ... 251

Great God of heaven and earth, arise 122

Great God of wonders, all Thy ways ... ... ... ... 182

Great God, the nations of the earth ... ... ... ... 178

Great God, what do I see and hear 24 300

Great God, where er we pitch our tent ... ... ... 253 406

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