Page:Outdoor Girls at Rainbow Lake.djvu/179

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"I'd like it," said Mollie. "We can use the boat, too; can't we?"

"Of course," replied Betty.

"And sleep aboard?" asked Grace.

"No, let's sleep in a tent," proposed Amy. "It will be lots of fun."

"But the bugs, and mosquitoes—not to mention frogs and snakes," came protestingly from Grace.

"Oh, we've done it before, and we can use our mosquito nets," said Betty. "I heard of a nice tent, and a well-fitted up camp over on Elm Island we can hire for a week or so."

"But the ghost—the one Mr. Lagg told about?" asked Mollie.

"We'll 'lay' the ghost!" laughed Betty. "Seriously, I don't believe there is anything more than a fisherman's story to account for it. Still, if you girls are afraid——"

"Afraid!' they protested in chorus.

"Then we'll go to Elm Island," decided Betty, and they did. The camp, near a little dock where the Gem could be tied, was well suited to their needs.

"Oh, we'll have a good time here!" declared Betty as they took possession. "But we must get in plenty of supplies. Let's go over and call on Mr. Lagg," and they headed for the mainland in the motor boat.