Page:Outdoor Girls at Rainbow Lake.djvu/181

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"No, I gave it to you."

"Grace had it last," volunteered Amy. "She said she did not want to forget——"

"Oh, we know what Grace doesn't want to forget," interrupted Mollie with a laugh. "Produce that list, Grace," and it was forthcoming.

"You see we have let our supplies run low," remarked Betty as she gave her order.

"Are you going on a long cruise?" Mr. Lagg wanted to know.

"To sail and sail the bounding main,
And then come back to port again?

"Of course I know that isn't very good," he apologized. "When I make 'em up on the spur of the moment that way I don't take time to polish 'em off. And of course Rainbow Lake isn't exactly the bounding main, but it will answer as well."

"Certainly," agreed Betty, with a laugh. "I think that is all," she went on, looking at her list. "Oh, I almost forgot, we want some more of your lovely olives—those large ones."

"Yes, those are fine olives," admitted the store keeper. "I get them from New York.

"Olives stuffed, and some with pits,
With girls my olives sure make hits."