Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918.djvu/699

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That moment that his face I see, I know the man that must hear me To him my talc I teach.

What loud uproar bursts from that door! The wedding-guests are there: But in the garden-bower the bride And bride-maids singing are: And hark, the little vesper bell, Which biddcth me to prayer'

O Wedding-Guest' this soul hath been Alone on a wide, wide sea So lonely 'twas, that God Himself Scarce seemed there to be.

O sweeter than the marriage-feast, 'Tis sweeter far to me, To walk together to the kirk With a goodly company'

To walk together to the kirk,

And all together pray,

While each to his great Father bends,

Old men, and babes, and loving friends,

And youths and maidens gay'

Farewell, farewell' but this I tell And to teach,

To thee, thou Wedding-Guest' exampie7iove

He prayeth well, who loveth well ? aiiVhmgs"

Both man and bird and beast. ma^and

He prayeth best, who loveth best All things both great and small; For the dear God who loveth us, He made and loveth all."

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