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ARDLY had my " Alumni Oxonienses " appeared when I was led, in deference to a very general wish, to supplement it by some account of the Colleges themselves and their officers. It was felt that the interest of my "Alumni" would be materially enhanced by descriptions and views of the Colleges which, during their University career, are the homes of Oxford men. In the present work therefore, I have made it my special object to bring before my readers that college life which has always formed so distinctive a feature of the English Universities. Keeping this object before me I have illustrated the book throughout with views of the colleges, of the interiors of their chapels, their libraries, and their halls, their characteristic quads., and other objects of interest, mainly archaeological. These are accompanied by chronological biographies in outline of the Heads of each respective House, from the earliest period, of all living Fellows, past and present, and of other officers. Complete chronological lists, under each College, of all its members from 1880 to 1892 complete this part of the scheme.

With few exceptions, the notices of the Colleges have been written specially for this work by the following Oxford historians : —

University - - -

By F. C. Conybeare, M.A.

Trinity - - - -

By The Rev. Herbert E. D.

  • Balliol - - - -

,, Reginald L. Poole, M.A.

Blakiston, M.A.

Merton - - - -

,, The Warden.

St. John's - - -

,, The Rev. W. H. Hutton, M.A.

Exeter - - - -

,, The Rev. Charles W. Boase,


,, The Rev. Llewelyn Thomas,




„ C. L. Shadwell, M.A., B.C.L.

  • Wadham - - -

,, J. Wells, M.A.

Queen's - - - -

,, The Provost.

Pembroke - - -

,, The Rev. Douglas Macleane,

  • New

,, The Rev. Hastings Rashdall,



♦Worcester - - -

,, The Rev. C. H. O. Daniel,

Lincoln - - - -

,, The Rev. Andrew Clark, M.A.


  • All Souls' - - -

,, C. W. C. Oman, M.A.

♦Hertford - - -

,, The Rev. Hastings Rashdall,

Magdalen - - -

,, The Rev. H. A. Wilson, M.A.


Brasenose - - -

,, The Principal.


,, The Rev. Walter Lock, M.A.

Corpus - - - -

,, The President.

St. Edmund Hall

,, The Rev. R. G. Plumptre,

Christ Church -

, , The Rev. T. Vere Bayne, M. A.

M.A., Vice- Principal.

The Notices of Balliol, New, All Souls', Wadham, Worcester, and Hertford are, with the permission of the publisher, practically condensed by their respective authors from their accounts in " The Colleges of Oxford," edited by Rev. A. Clark, M.A. (London : Methuen, 1891).
