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The Argument.

ther accepts him, ordains his incarnation, pronounces his exaltation above all Names in Heaven and Earth; commands all the Angels to adore him; they obey, and hymning to thir Harps in full Luire, celebrate the Father and the Son. Mean while Satan alights upon the bare convex of this Worlds outermoſt Orb; where wandring he firſt finds a place ſince call'd The Lymbo of Vanity; what perſons and things fly up thither; thence comes to the Gate of Heaven, deſcrib'd aſcending by ſtairs, and the waters above the Firmament that flow about it: His paſſage thence to the Orb of the Sun; he finds there Uriel the Regent of that Orb, but firſt changes himſelf into the ſhape of a meaner Angel and pretending a zealous deſire to behold the new Creation and Man whom God had plac't here, inquires of him the place of his habitation, and is directed; alights firſt on Mount Niphates.

Of the


SAtan now in proſpect of Eden, and nigh the place where he muſt now attempt the bold enterprize which he undertook alone againſt God and Man falls into many doubts with himſelf, and many paſſions, fear, envy, and deſpare; but at length confirms himſelf in evil journeys on to Paradiſe, whoſe outward proſpect and ſcituation is deſcribed, overleaps the bounds, ſits in the ſhape of a Cormorant on the Tree of life, as higheſt in the Garden to look about him. The Garden deſcrib'd; Satans firſt
