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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


U.S. personnel required to establish these training commands would be introduced into South Vietnam in phased increments through northern ports; such as Tourane and Nha Trang in a manner calculated to minimize, as much as possible, public attention to these MAAG augmentations. Preliminary estimates indicate that in order to process the existing 7 Vietnamese divisions through this intensified combat training program in the short time available, each of these U.S. training commands would require approximately 1600 U.S. instructors from Army or Marine Corps sources.

In addition to the regular divisional training program. an acceleration of Special Forces training is indicated to assist the G.V.N. forces counter the increased level of Viet Cong guerrilla activity which can be expected to follow a cease-fire in Lao§. This will require a further MAAG augmentation of a Special Forces Group. To meet the urgency of the situation, a Special Forces Group (approximately 400 military personnel) should be deployed at phased increments to Nha Trang for this purpose. Initially a Special Forces Company (52 personnel} would be sent at once to prepare for the arrival of the remainder of the Group.

e. Possible Introduction of U.S. Flag Forces into Vietnam:

Should the situation in South 'Vietnam deteriorate to the point where the measures outlined above are not adequate to, prevent the Communist domination of the country, it may be necessary to introduce U.S.