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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


3. Political:

1. Objective: develop political and economic conditions which will create a solid and widespread support among the key political groups and the general population for a Vietnam which has the will to resist Communist encroachment and which in turn stems from a stake in a freer and more democratic society.

a. Increase the confidence of President Diem and his government in the United States, by the following actions:

(1) A message has been dispatched to President Diem informing him of your personal support for his courageous leadership in the struggle against communism and of Vice President Johnson's trip, indicating that Vice President Johnson will be carrying a more detailed expression of your thoughts on a broad range of proposals for joint action between our two countries.

(2) A letter from you to President Diem has been prepared for Vice President Johnson identifying the key objectives contained in this Task Force report which we propose as a joint U.S.-Vietnamese address to the existing threat to Vietnam's freedom, stability and security seeking an expression of Diem's support for this joint effort.

(3) Vice President Johnson's trip to Vietnam should be focused on obtaining broad agreement on how the U.S. and Vietnam