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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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the limited trained medical manpower in Viet Nam, programs should be initiated to develop an effective evacuation system for the seriously injured. Specific programs that should be further considered to assure the best use of available medical personnel in caring for casualities would be the creation of mobile medical teams and the provision of needed equipment and medical supplies in existing hospital and medical facilities. A rough estimate of the costs of this type of program is:

Piaster cost 8 million
Dollar cost 3.5 million

4. Training of civil administrators in the lower and middle levels, especially in the rural areas

Good relations between civil administrators and the people are of paramount importance, as is the making known of the needs and wants of the population to the Government. Further consideration should, therefore, be given to the establishment of a system of reporting of complaints and suggestions by citizens to the highest government authorities for appropriate study and investigation.

Urgent attention should be given to the acceleration and intensification of the training of civil administrators in the lower and middle levels serving in the rural areas.

5. Training of the Youth Corps

As the Vietnamese Government proceeds with the expansion of the Youth Corps, the contribution of Youth Corps members to the national effort can be greatly enhanced by using their services in economic and social fields. Planning should, therefore, be initiated for training Youth Corps members in appropriate health, agricultural, medical, small public works, and communications