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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


3. To restore Southern Laos to the complete control of the Royal Laotian Government.

4. To prevent further territorial loss in Laos.

5. To preserve and maintain to the extent feasible the homelands of the MEO tribesmen.

Force Involvement

1. The combat forces in Laos would number approximately 25,400 men, on a SEATO-augmented basis. US forces in Laos would be 5,500. The remainder of the SEATO forces of approximately 22,700, including 11,00 US air and logistics forces, would be based in Thailand. This does not include US Naval forces which may be committed to support the operation and a SEATO General Reserve of 6,000 personnel, none of which is US, retained in the parent country.

2. The augmentation indicated above consists of one Thai division (11,400) less the units previously committed, (3,300) to SEATO under Plan 5 and a minimum of one South Viet Nam regimental combat team of 2,700.

3. See the Appendix for total forces involved.

Areas of Action and Military Time Phasing

1. Execute the current SEATO Plan 5, augmented.

2. The initial lift of SEATO forces (other than Thai) would be directly into Laos from areas outside Thailand.

3. The areas to be occupied would initially include key points along the Mekong River. Under present circumstances