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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


to involve his government again in a plot to overthrow Sihanouk (and consequently, at least in the minds of the Cambodians, involve the US as well).

The Diem government will continue its efforts to get the ICC to consider its charges that the DRV is engaged in subversive activities south of the 17th parallel. While the government probably will not go as far as to renounce its policy of not blocking the implementation of the 1954 Geneva accords, it may well announce that it temporarily refuses to be bound by specific articles of the accords which restrict its ability to defend itself against DRV subversion and armed intervention. In any event, the DRV will maintain an increasingly threatening propaganda campaign against the Diem government and may announce that its "national Liberation Front" (probably under some other name) constitutes the legitimate "government in South Vietnam -- an act which would likely be followed by an intensive propaganda and diplomatic effort to achieve local and international recognition for its satellite.