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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011



d. Coast watchers ("shore posts") - may be Army, Navy, or civil, preferably under Naval control, but at least tied in directly to naval communications reporting net.

3. Coordinating (supporting) forces:

a. Aircraft of RVNAF available for reconnaissance and attack missions, coordinated at primary Opcon/Intel center.

b. RVNAF or civil security forces to conduct investigations/interrogations and to take action against VC suspects on craft brought to port. (Important that intelligence gained be promptly fed into the Joint Intelligence Group)

c. Mobile RVNAF or civil security forces ashore to apprehend landing parties from craft sighted but not captured in time; and responsive to intelligence of landings reported by coast watchers.

d. Civil control, inspection, and clearance (under procedures coordinated with Navy) of all maritime traffic at all ports.

4. Operations concept

a. A barrier patrol of junks and patrol craft to identify and interdict VC traffic near 17th parallel and off the Delta.

b. Sailing and motor junks to operate offshore for as complete coverage as possible along coast, and in concentrations of fishing junks for intelligence of traffic and interdiction as practicable.

c. River and Delta operations not primarily against infiltration but in support of mobile offensive Army operations.