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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


US carbines, ammunition and communications equipment have been programmed for the entire SDC. 25,000 carbines are now enroute to Vietnam. US MAAG advisors to the Civil Guard also have responsibilities for the SDC. Expansion of this program is developing as local resources allow.


a. Civil Guard: Authorized 68,000
Actual 64,000

Has only 37 per cent of officers and 55 per cent of authorized NCO strength. Consists of 303 separate companies (15 have completed current training program; 24 are in training cycle). Approximately 1500 officers and enlisted personnel are in school.

b. Self Defense Corps: Authorized 59,000
Actual 53,000

Reportedly have only 76 officers. Consists of locally recruited and organized citizens to defend their community. Administered by Civil Guard personnel who are detailed to such duties.

c. US Advisors: Of the 724 personnel augmentation approved for MAAG in October, 207 are specifically for supervision of training at nine Civil Guard Training Sites.


a. Civil Guard: Equipment being processed by US Army includes carbines, ammunition, vehicles, communications, POL, medical, and clothing. Deliveries have commenced in Saigon