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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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6. Unsigned paper, apparently by Lansdale, proposes a Presidential directive organizing a Task Force to come up with an approved plan of action in Vietnam. The goals of U.S. policy in Vietnam fall into three interrelated parts: (1) pacification, (2) stabilization and (3) unification of Vietnam under anti-communist government. Tasks are outlined in this memorandum to accomplish these three goals. Paper in Deputy Secretary of Defense Task Force file, 19 April 1961 22
7. General Lansdale provides a detailed description of President Diem and his family apparently intended for Vice President Johnson's use. Lansdale first met Diem in Saigon in 1954. "Here is our toughest ally … a 60-year old bachelor who gave up romance with his childhood sweetheart…to devote his life to his country." Lansdale Memorandum for Deputy Secretary of Defense, 25 April 1961 36
8. In view of the serious military deterioration within South Vietnam and in order to accomplish the U.S. objective of preventing communist domination of the South, this first draft of the Vietnam Task Force report calls for a comprehensive political, economic and military program of U.S. support. Among other recommendations are an increase in MAAG and MAP and a visit by the Vice President in the near future. Task Force Draft "Program of Action," 26 April 1961 42
9. The effect of a political settlement in Laos would be (1) to inhibit U.S. assistance in preventing a communist take-over in SVN; and (2) to permit an expansion of the VC effort in SVN owing to the greater possibilities for uninhibited infiltration; and (3) give complete control to the North Vietnamese of the three passes through the Annamite Mountains. With an expanded training program in SVN, however, the GVN should be able to defend itself even in the event of a Laotian settlement. Second Draft "Laos Annex" to Task Force report, 28 April 1961 58
10. Attorney General Kennedy asks the question "Where would be the best place to stand and fight in SEA -- where -- to draw the line?" Secretary McNamara thinks the best place to take a stand is in Thailand and SVN. General Decker thinks there is no good place to fight in SEA. State Department Memorandum of Conversation, 29 April 1961 62
11. Secretary Rusk decides at this meeting at the State Department that "We should not place combat forces in SVN at this time." Colonel Robert M. Levy Memorandum for Record, 5 May 1961 67
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