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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


upon the existing U.S. and Government of Viet Nam (G.V.N.) programs already underway in South Vietnam. There is neither the time available nor any sound justification for "starting from scratch." Rather the need is to focus the U.S. effort in South Vietnam on the immediate internal security problem; to infuse it with a sense of urgency and a dedication to the over-all U.S. objective rather than to the success of individual agency programs; to achieve through cooperative inter-departmental support both in the field and in Washington, the operational flexibility needed to apply the available U.S. assets in a manner best calculated to achieve our national goal; and, finally, to impress on our friends, the Vietnamese, and on our foes, the Viet Cong, that come what may, the United States intends to win this battle.

Program of Action:

1. General: The most significant step taken to date to counter Communist subversion in South Vietnam h as been the development of the Counter Insurgency Plan. This Plan, which has been fully coordinated within the U.S. government, has been forwarded to President Diem. Those portions the Plan which are agreed to by the G.V.N. will be implemented as rapidly as possible.

As part of the over-all program, it is proposed that Vice President Johnson visit Vietnam at an early date.