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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


2. Politicals

a. Assist the G.V.N. to develop within the country a healthy, non-Communist political party structure, guiding this development as appropriate toward the ultimate formation of a two-party system.

b. Assist the G.V.N. to develop techniques to make it more responsive to the needs of the people including, if agreeable to the president, a "Presidential Complaints and Action Commission."

c. Obtain the political agreements needed to permit the prompt implementation of SEATO contingency plans providing for military intervention in South Vietnam should this become necessary to prevent the loss of the country to Communism.

d. Obtain the cooperation of other free nations In the area in support of regional measures designed to inhibit the transit or safe haven of Communist subversive or guerrilla forces operating in South Vietnam. In particular, secure the cooperation of Cambodia and Laos in the implementation of appropriate military and civil measures to prevent the use of their territory for the infiltration of Communist personnel or supplies into South Vietnam.

e. Assist the Vietnamese to become the polarizing spirit against Communism in the Southeast Asia region. Encourage closer working liaison with other anti-Communist Asian nations. Step-up the exchange of visits of political, cultural, civic, military, veterans, youth,