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men who, I know, were Mr. Gladstone's warmest adherents up to the last general election. (Hear, hear.) It is the voice of trade—it is the voice of commerce, it is the voice of capital; it is the voice of Chambers of Commerce; it is the voice of our great seat of learning—(applause)— it is the


(Cheers.) I hear a great deal—I have read it in the paperspeople in England have spoken to me about the fanatics of Ulster —the fanatics of Belfast I should say. Are the men of Ulster fanatics? (Several voices—"No.") They sometimes, perhaps, will call a Roman Catholic by a nickname that is not quite pleasant. We must excuse them, because they are workmen, you know—(hear)—but they know a thing or two. (Laughter.) I have spoken to them, and I tell you the reason why they hate this Bill. They know the value of trade—(hear, hear)—they know the value of commerce—(hear, hear)—they know the character of the men, some of whom employ so many looms, and others of whom have launched upon the sea vessels like the Majestic and the Teutonic. (Applause.) They know what the meaning of capital is—(hear, hear)—they know that it does not only mean the storage of money that has been amassed by men; they know that it means something more than that— that it means intellect—(hear, hear)—it means conception—(hear, hear)—and they know as surely as the glass falls before the storm, so surely there are signs now which show that capital will leave Ulster. (Hear, hear.) And they know this full well that misery will come to them and theirs—(hear, hear)—that they will not have employment, and will be forced to go elsewhere to seek for it. (Hear, hear.) They know it, they know capital will be driven off, and they know that the shrinkage of capital is the starvation of labour. (Cheers.) "Ulster Bluster," too, is a word which came, I am sorry to say, from the respected descendants of one of the most respected families in Ulster. There is one discovery which I have recently made—it has struck me very much. I really did not know