Page:Personal beauty how to cultivate and preserve it in accordance with the laws of health (1870).djvu/51

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corpulence is then successfully attacked, the victory may cost the person her life. A case is recorded by Dr. Maccary where an obese child was reduced in flesh, but became ever after subject to epileptic fits. A number of instances have been recently published in medical journals, where ladies have brought on fatal disease of the kidneys by a too determinate and unwise reduction of their weight. A case came recently under our own notice, where a young lady weighing nearly two hundred pounds, entered upon the reduction of her size with great zeal, but little discretion. She succeeded, but developed in the process the seeds of hereditary consumption of the lungs. No such attempt should ever be made, therefore, until some skilful physician has not only examined for any lurking signs of disease, but has inquired carefully into the personal and family history, and, to the extent of human power, satisfied himself there is no danger.

Then, also, there are certain periods in the physical life of woman when such a proposed change should under no circumstances be commenced or continued. These are at puberty, during pregnancy, during nursing, and about the change of life. The reasons for this caution will be obvious to every intelligent woman.

Furthermore, the seasons of the year must be considered. The "bills of fare" that we are about to give can be better filled at one season than another, so that less self-control will be needed to follow them out.