Page:Personal beauty how to cultivate and preserve it in accordance with the laws of health (1870).djvu/73

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should be laid aside until the sensation subsides. After having had them once explained, any one can use these vacuum cups with readiness and safety.

The opposite trouble, breasts of inordinate and inconvenient magnitude, also occurs. We know a lady, who with every opportunity and faculty to shine in social life, has denied herself to general society for years, on account of this malformation. In her case, as in most, it is associated with an undue mental sensitiveness regarding her form, which is a constant source of unnecessary distress to her.

Sometimes the overgrowth is astonishing. Professor Gross, of Philadelphia, mentions one case where each breast weighed fifteen pounds, and not long since, a case was operated on in Paris, where each weighed nearly thirty pounds. When the excess in size is moderate, the breast can readily be reduced by constant inunction of an ointment of cadmium or iodine, the administration of iodide of potassium internally, and especially by long-continued, firmly-applied bandages of adhesive plaster. This treatment must be adopted under the supervision of a medical adviser, as ignorant management may very easily lead to severe suffering.

Those who would improve the contour of the chest, can do so with great certainty and in a short space of time as follows: Loosen the clothing, and standing erect, throw the shoulders well back, the hands behind,