Page:Personal beauty how to cultivate and preserve it in accordance with the laws of health (1870).djvu/93

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sensation, the edges of the lid become ulcerated and sore, and the eyelashes fall out. Frequently it arises from a tendency to scrofula, and from improperly using, or violently rubbing the eyes. When from any temporary cause, this affection can be cured by touching the margin of the lid with a little of the following preparation on the point of a camel-hair pencil, night and morning:—

  Red oxide of mercury one part;
  Glycerine (chemically pure)[1] one part;
  Lard (free of salt) three parts.

Mix thoroughly and keep in a cool place. Besides using this, wash the eyelid with tepid warm water, several times during the day.

If, however, blear-eye is connected with an enfeebled or scrofulous constitution, a thorough course of medical treatment is necessary.

That common annoyance a stye often causes disproportionate pain and trouble. It is a small, inflamed tumor on the edge of the lid. If taken early, they can be backened by being touched with a solid stick of nitrate of silver, but after a day or two, they must be

  1. Whenever glycerine is applied to any part of the body
    where there is hair, care most be taken to have it chemically
    pure, as otherwise the salts of lime, one of its most common
    impurities, will injure and finally destroy the hair bulbs, and
    cause baldness, dropping of the eyelashes, etc.